Hi again,
I want to share you the yellow stats what uses currently in the game:
Tier Name -------------------------- stat1 - stat2 - stat3
7 Ability of fear VII -------------- 54 INT 305 MP
7 Ability of the Demon Dragon VII -- 47 WIS 305 HP
7 Ability of the lost VII ---------- 47 INT 305 MP
5 Agility V ------------------------ 20 DEX 50 MDEF
7 Armor VII ------------------------ 41 STA 123 MDEF
6 Assault VI ----------------------- 30 STR 60 MATT
6 Aureola VI ----------------------- 30 WIS 60 MATT
7 Aureola VII ---------------------- 41 WIS 82 MATT
5 Authority V ---------------------- 20 STA 50 DEF
6 Authority VI --------------------- 30 STA 75 DEF
5 Barbarian V ---------------------- 20 STR 50 PATT
6 Barbarian VI --------------------- 30 STR 75 PATT
7 Bite VII ------------------------- 41 DEX 205 HP
7 Blaze VII ------------------------ 41 INT 123 MDEF
7 Blood of fear VII ---------------- 54 STR 54 STA
7 Blood of the lost VII ------------ 47 STR 47 STA
6 Break VI ------------------------- 30 DEX 60 MATT
7 Candle of fear VII --------------- 54 WIS 254 MDEF
7 Core of the lost VII ------------- 47 WIS 305 MP
5 Cougar V ------------------------- 15 STR 15 DEX
7 Cruel VII ------------------------ 41 DEX 94 PATT
5 Crystal V ------------------------ 50 MP 50 DEF
6 Crystal VI ----------------------- 75 MP 75 DEF
7 Dazzle VII ----------------------- 41 DEX 41 INT
7 Dedication VII ------------------- 41 WIS 235 MP
5 Defender V ----------------------- 20 STR 50 DEF
7 Diamond of the lost VII ---------- 47 DEX 104 PATT
5 Endurance V ---------------------- 20 STA 50 HP
7 Eruption VII --------------------- 41 STA 82 PATT
7 Eye of the Demon Dragon VII ------ 47 STR 305 HP
5 Fang V --------------------------- 20 DEX 50 PATT
6 Fang VI -------------------------- 30 DEX 75 PATT
7 Fire of fear VII ----------------- 54 STR 365 HP
7 Fire of the lost VII ------------- 47 STR 305 HP
7 Flame of the Demon Dragon VII ---- 47 DEX 305 HP
5 Force V -------------------------- 15 STA 15 DEX
5 Fox V ---------------------------- 15 DEX 15 INT
7 Fright VII ----------------------- 41 STA 41 DEX
7 Fury of the lost VII ------------- 47 DEX 221 MDEF
7 Future of the Demon Dragon VII --- 47 INT 305 MP
5 Genius V ------------------------- 15 INT 15 WIS
7 Glory VII ------------------------ 41 STR 123 DEF
6 Guard VI ------------------------- 30 STA 180 HP
7 Gulp VII ------------------------- 41 STA 205 MP
7 Heart of fear VII ---------------- 54 INT 54 STA
7 Heart of the Lost VII ------------ 47 INT 47 STA
5 Illumine V ----------------------- 20 INT 50 MATT
6 Illumine VI ---------------------- 30 INT 75 MATT
5 Illusion V ----------------------- 20 INT 50 MDEF
7 Inhibition VII ------------------- 41 STR 123 MDEF
7 Inquisition VII ------------------ 41 INT 41 STA
7 Juncture VII --------------------- 41 WIS 41 STR
5 Keen V --------------------------- 50 PATT 50 DEF
6 Keen VI -------------------------- 75 PATT 75 DEF
7 Light of fear VII ---------------- 54 STA 54 DEX
7 Light of the Lost VII ------------ 47 STA 47 DEX
7 Lost Power VII ------------------- 47 STR 104 PATT
7 Lost shell VII ------------------- 47 STA 104 MATT
7 Mage VII ------------------------- 41 STA 82 MATT
7 Mirage VII ----------------------- 41 WIS 205 HP
5 Monk V --------------------------- 15 STA 15 WIS
7 Moon of Fear VII ----------------- 56 DEX 365 HP
7 Moon of the lost VII ------------- 47 DEX 265 HP
5 Observance V --------------------- 20 DEX 50 HP
5 Oppression V --------------------- 20 STA 50 PATT
7 Origin of the lost VII ----------- 47 STA 305 HP
5 Paladin V ------------------------ 20 STR 50 MDEF
6 Paladin VI ----------------------- 30 STR 75 MDEF
7 Pioneer VII ---------------------- 41 STA 123 DEF
8 Pioneer VIII --------------------- 52 STA 156 DEF
7 Power of the lost VII ------------ 47 STR 104 PATT
5 Precision V ---------------------- ? ?
7 Prophet VII ---------------------- 41 WIS 123 MDEF
7 Rage of the lost VII 47 ---------- DEX 221 DEF
7 Ravage VII ----------------------- 41 STR 41 DEX
6 Ray VI --------------------------- 30 WIS 75 MDEF
7 Razor VII ------------------------ 41 STR 94 PATT
5 Reflex V ------------------------- 20 DEX 50 DEF
7 Repentance VII ------------------- 41 STA 41 WIS
7 Return VII ----------------------- 41 WIS 123 DEF
5 Rigor V -------------------------- 20 STA 50 MDEF
5 Sage V --------------------------- 50 MP 20 WIS
5 Savage V ------------------------- 15 STR 15 STA
6 Savage VI ------------------------ 20 STR 20 STA
5 Savant V ------------------------- 50 MP 50 MDEF
7 Scale of Fear VII ---------------- 54 STR 54 DEX
7 Scale of the Lost VII ------------ 47 STR 47 DEX
7 Seal of ancient wood VII --------- 57 STR 44 INT 32 STA
7 Seal of bravery VII -------------- 57 STA 44 STR 32 INT
7 Seal of the Demon Dragon VII ----- 47 STA 221 MDEF
7 Seal of the lost VII ------------- 47 DEX 104 MATT
4 Seclusion IV --------------------- 15 STA 30 HP
7 Secret of the Demon Dragon VII --- 47 INT 221 MDEF
7 Secret of the lost VII ----------- 47 WIS 305 HP
7 Slaughter VII -------------------- 41 DEX 123 DEF
7 Soul of the Demon Dragon VII ----- 47 STA 104 PATT
7 Soul of the Lost VII ------------- 47 INT 104 MATT
6 Soul VI -------------------------- 75 DEF 30 WIS
7 Specter VII ---------------------- 41 INT 82 PATT
4 Speed IV ------------------------- 15 DEX 30 MP
5 Speed V -------------------------- 20 DEX 50 MP
7 Spirit of the Demon Dragon VII --- 47 STA 104 MATT
7 Spirit of the lost VII ----------- 47 INT 47 WIS
7 Stone of fear VII ---------------- 54 STA 254 MDEF
7 Stone of the Demon Dragon VII ---- 47 STA 221 PDEF
7 Stone of the Lost VII ------------ 47 STA 221 MDEF
7 Strike of the Lost VII ----------- 47 INT 221 PDEF
6 Suppression VI ------------------- 30 STR 30 STA
7 Suppression VII ------------------ 41 STR 41 STA
7 Surrender VII -------------------- 41 STR 205 HP
7 Tear of the Lost VII ------------- 47 STA 221 DEF
7 Trial VII ------------------------ 41 INT 41 WIS
7 Vengeance VII -------------------- 41 STR 41 INT
5 Warlock V ------------------------ 50 MATT 50 MDEF
7 Water of fear VII ---------------- 54 STR 126 MATT
7 Water of the lost VII ------------ 47 STR 104 MATT
7 Whip VII ------------------------- 41 INT 205 MP
7 Wind of the Lost VII ------------- 47 STR 221 PDEF
7 Wing of the lost VII ------------- 47 STA 305 MP
7 Wit VII -------------------------- 41 INT 94 MATT
7 Wind of Fear VII ----------------- 54 STR 293 DEF
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