Monday, June 21, 2010

Tactics - Cyclops Lair (known as CL)

Hi again,

I'm here again to show you the easiest tactics for the isntance called Cyclops Lair ;)
You need to finish the prequests for this instance. You can pick them up in Kadmos.

Level Requirement: 50+
Bosses: 4


High damage and stuns tank. As soon the tank is stunned, he goes to the next person who is second in aggroline. Let that person kite it for 6 seconds and then bring it back to the tank. If the tank is stunned, then don't let a 2nd tank tank it near him. Because his AoE hits ALOT if you're stunned.

For the rest, 1 more very important thing for this boss. Whatever you do, don't use stun or slowdown effects at this boss. If you do, then he goes frenzy, frenzy means ALOT higher damage and a new group wont be able to take his damage.

Zurhidon Negotiator
A mage is handy for this.

Kill the 4 adds in this room at 1 place. As soon you killed all 4, the boss itself will appear and ''revive'' these adds. Use thunderstorm at the adds as soon they turn alive. This will give them a ''Knockdown'' effect to prevent them from using Death Shackle (4k damage per mob). Also, root/charge/lasso can knock these mobs down. Mage has to keep the Thunderstorm up. The rest DPS the boss like crazy. You think you wont hit it at all, but it heals itself with the live of the adds. If all 4 adds die, then the battle is over. You can then go the the slaves and ask how to open the chest. Then open the chest and get your loot.

Alternative tax:
One of the party member run forward to the adds and pull out the narest 2. If he reach the entrance of the room, another player who stayed outside pull it out and kill as far as he can. After the player who go inside pull another 1 mob and the other guy take that outside too. This mob can be pulled near the cooking accessories. Kill that him and go inside to kill the last one. Then the boss comes and sometimes it goes to bring in another add.

Ordig, Masso and Gorn
For a team who does this the first time the killorder would be Gorn, Masso and then Ordig. Gorn is a healer, so kill him as soon as possible. Masso has random aggro, so kill him after fast. Ordig has a massive slowdown effect and makes the tanker smaller. Every boss had different loot, so make sure to decide which you kill last. (The purple loot is the same for every boss).

Kill the Generals to activate the boss, the first time it goes easy. So spare your cooldowns. After he dies, he uses an orb and comes back to live. Then he becomes harder. It random charges people and it spawns red orbs. 3 at a time (He gives a signal, by saying something. ''Come out servants, help me''). AVOID these red orbs. They have a quite large amount of damage, so walk away from then. For the rest he has quite high damage, but doable.

Good luck with it ;)

(This tut can be find here too:

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