Monday, June 21, 2010

Tactics - Treasure Trove (known as TT)

Hi again,

In this post I show you how easy to do the instance called Treasure Trove.

Level Requirements: 50+
Bosses: 5


In this instance the bosses are not the hardest, the mobs are. Lvl 50-52 elites with extreme high damage. Just make sure the tank always tanks the attackers, they have the highest damage. For the rest, it's up to you to find your way and fight your way to the bosses.

Octopus Boss Will's Curse
At the top of the stairs are 5 different cups. Each cup represents a boss. If the boss has 500k HP it's a fake, if it had 700k HP it's the real boss. The 500k HP bosses are easy. Just kill them, as soon you killed it, the real boss spawns right after.
This boss has 1 special ability.
It can make people a skeleton, this increases the damage on you alot. So make sure the mages dispell this fast (Especially if it's the tank).
For the rest, this boss should be easy.

Loyal Talomo (skippable)
You can skip this boss.
This boss has a buff which only makes your dot's do damage. There's a way to avoid this. Let the tank tank the boss from fire to fire. As soon he has the buff, click on the fire and you gain a needle in your backpack. Activate the needle on the boss and it deactivates his buff, which makes you able to attack it with all kind of attacks. If the tank keeps it in the 'circle' another player can do the fires instead, allowing the tank to focus on avoiding his AoE. Do remember to run away as soon he casts Broadside, because that's an extreme high damage attack. These fires will not respawn, so you have to kill it before all fires are down. Or you kite the rest of the fight.

Boulder Sidaar
This boss requires some good timing. Basically, it has ''2ways of fighting''. It has 2 different colors. Orange and Blue. When he's Orange no physical damage should be done to him. If you keep using physical attacks to him you'll get punched back in ur face with 1500 damage per hit you did when he was orange. When it's blue, noone should use magical damage. Same thing, you do it, you receive the hits back in your face. He does this trick till he dies. Next to that, it also has quite high damage. It also has a 80% def decrease buff. It's wise for the tank to run around a bit then to avoid damage, because the damage is incredibly high then. Also, at 40%, 30%, 20%, 10% it random aggro, keep kiting it till the tank got his aggro back.

Lookout Luke
This boss can be found at the top of the ship. It's supposed to have a special triple attack. Well erm, it did 1k damage to me. After his debuff goes off, it hits every partymember for around 3.5k. It can have decent damage on the tank, but it should not be too hard.

Snow Blake
This is the final boss, it has a pretty high damage and it's high lvl, so you don't hit to much on her. It has 2 specials.
It summons the previous bosses which do 1 attack and then disappear again. She does this quite often.
It also has ''Queen Bomb''. It's an AoE which does 50k damage. It transport you to her, and starts loading the Queen Bomb. You have to run away from her fast (AoE range is quite small). She does this alot. But next to that, she roots people. Priests should use their cleanse to remove the root effects fast, before she starts her Queen Bomb and you die because you can't run away. Quite a pitty boss, but doable if you get the tactic.

Snowblake can also cast a high damage AoE, when you see this cast, let the tank run away a bit to avoid high damage.

Good luck with it :)

(This tut can be find here too:

Tactics - Kalin Shrine (known as KS)

Hi again,

In this post I show you the tactics to Kalin Shrine instance.

Level Requirements: 50+
Min 7k hp, 13k for tank.
Bosses: 6


Iron Rune Warrior
This boss has massive damage, so you really need a good tank. But, the most important tactic here is that everyone except the tank should be behind the runewalker INSIDE meleerange. It has a ''power build-up'' if you're not in melee range, then you'll take this hit and this is for most of the people a guaranteed 1-hit. If you are inside melee range, CLOSER to the boss then the tank is, then he'll take this hit (This hit is quite high, even for tank, so get heals ready). Sometimes boss random turns around and attacks someone else. Tank just have to use 1 aggro skill and it's back on you. It also stuns the tank sometimes, and it has a very easy AoE.

This is one of the nastiest bosses. Tank it in the middle. It has quite low damage (Sometimes a 3k AoE). It random freezes someone at first. When it freezes someone, hammers will appear randomly in the room, find the hammer. And use the hammer on the frozen one by clicking on the hammer while near him. Then he freezes 5 people. The 1 person who is not frozen, should go grab a hammer and unfreeze one. Then they should both grab hammers and unfreeze people and so on till you unfroze all people. If you don't do this on time, the frozen people will receive a 122k hit. You have about 25 seconds to unfreeze all 5 players. It does this freeze trick till he dies.
Quite easy boss, just need high DPS. (To reach this boss, jump in water, then go to the bridge). As soon you walk on the bridge it spawns. Mages have to thunderstorm any adds he spawns because if they come close to the boss they increase the strength of the boss (At the strength 14 I thought it hits around 4k on tank). Just DPS it asap and let mages TS adds asap. Quite an easy boss if you have the DPS.

Godess of Art's Disciple
The hardest boss in KS probably. You can see alot of barrels around him. The tank should tank him from barrel to barrel. As soon this boss goes ''Frenzy'' someone has to smash this barrel down really fast. It'll then bring the boss back to normal and the tank should go to the next barrel. If you dont get him out of frenzy it 1-hit everyone 8-). It also has a HP based AoE. So group heal is needed (1 priest group heals, 1 single heals tank). He does this stuff till he dies.

Kill this boss as soon as possible. It fears sometime, but it builds up a dot on everyone. The higher the number of the dot is the higher damage it does. Therefor it's important to kill it fast.

Tank and spank till 75%, then he disappears and Runeguardian appears on your left stairs, Ensia appears on your right stairs. Move to left stairs and let tank intercept Rune Guardian, use the same tactic as listed above with Rune Guardian. Let Ensia come. Kill Ensia first (Tank only tanks Rune Guardian), so there's no tank at Ensia. Kill Ensia as soon as you can. Then focus on Rune Guardian. You have about 3 minutes to kill both till Regin comes back. Or else you got 3 bosses to fight 8-).

Once you done that it's once again tank and spank till 20%. At 20% it copies himself ALOT and all of these adds AoE, avoid this AoE by running all across the room. Note that the adds spawn right on top of you and stun you, so it may be better to jump around than to run. This since if you get stunned while jumping the jump will still finish, so you may land out of AoE/stun range. The adds will disappear after like 30 seconds. Then finish the boss of and get ur loots.

You can also walk your party to right side up in the corner. This way you will not have to fight the iron rune boss, but only Ensia.

Good luck with it ;)

(This tut can be find here too:

Tactics - Cyclops Lair (known as CL)

Hi again,

I'm here again to show you the easiest tactics for the isntance called Cyclops Lair ;)
You need to finish the prequests for this instance. You can pick them up in Kadmos.

Level Requirement: 50+
Bosses: 4


High damage and stuns tank. As soon the tank is stunned, he goes to the next person who is second in aggroline. Let that person kite it for 6 seconds and then bring it back to the tank. If the tank is stunned, then don't let a 2nd tank tank it near him. Because his AoE hits ALOT if you're stunned.

For the rest, 1 more very important thing for this boss. Whatever you do, don't use stun or slowdown effects at this boss. If you do, then he goes frenzy, frenzy means ALOT higher damage and a new group wont be able to take his damage.

Zurhidon Negotiator
A mage is handy for this.

Kill the 4 adds in this room at 1 place. As soon you killed all 4, the boss itself will appear and ''revive'' these adds. Use thunderstorm at the adds as soon they turn alive. This will give them a ''Knockdown'' effect to prevent them from using Death Shackle (4k damage per mob). Also, root/charge/lasso can knock these mobs down. Mage has to keep the Thunderstorm up. The rest DPS the boss like crazy. You think you wont hit it at all, but it heals itself with the live of the adds. If all 4 adds die, then the battle is over. You can then go the the slaves and ask how to open the chest. Then open the chest and get your loot.

Alternative tax:
One of the party member run forward to the adds and pull out the narest 2. If he reach the entrance of the room, another player who stayed outside pull it out and kill as far as he can. After the player who go inside pull another 1 mob and the other guy take that outside too. This mob can be pulled near the cooking accessories. Kill that him and go inside to kill the last one. Then the boss comes and sometimes it goes to bring in another add.

Ordig, Masso and Gorn
For a team who does this the first time the killorder would be Gorn, Masso and then Ordig. Gorn is a healer, so kill him as soon as possible. Masso has random aggro, so kill him after fast. Ordig has a massive slowdown effect and makes the tanker smaller. Every boss had different loot, so make sure to decide which you kill last. (The purple loot is the same for every boss).

Kill the Generals to activate the boss, the first time it goes easy. So spare your cooldowns. After he dies, he uses an orb and comes back to live. Then he becomes harder. It random charges people and it spawns red orbs. 3 at a time (He gives a signal, by saying something. ''Come out servants, help me''). AVOID these red orbs. They have a quite large amount of damage, so walk away from then. For the rest he has quite high damage, but doable.

Good luck with it ;)

(This tut can be find here too:

Tactics - Mystic Altar (known as MA)

Hi again,

I want to share you 2 way tactics of Mystic Altar.

Level Requirement:
Healers 45+ (min 5k hp, 3k gh)
Tanks 46+ (min 8k hp, 10k pdef)
Bosses: 4

The fastest way:

First, go into the room on your left handside and ''turn'' the statue by clicking on it. Then walk back and go down. Head right and go up. Clear mobs, and clear the room. Walk to the end of the room and click on the waterbucket. It will now spawn around 10 ice witches. This is the first boss. Kill the ice witches and some of them drop some loot. They have high magical attack. Let everyone in your party take the water, so you can skip this part the next time.

Go back to the middle, and take the entrance right of the water entrance. Once again clear rooms, and walk to the end. Let someone with the water hit the Brazier. It'll now spawn 0-9 mobs. Kill them and you have a possible chance on loot. They have quite low damage and die easy so nothing to worry about.

The longest way:

Don't turn the statue, when you walk down from the first room turn left on the first inner section. Then you can kill the bosses one by one!
In this case they follow together as Cursed Iron Golem -> Razeela -> Dorlos -> Aukuda

Tactics for the bosses:

Go back to the statue, you'll now see an opened hallway without fire. Go trough. You can do 2 things now. Clear the room, or hug left wall and walk behind Razeela (This is adviced). Kill the mobs behind her and then go for the boss. It ''drains'' life from you, but it's not like it goes down 2000 HP per second. Easy healable. It also has AoE. At around 0-10% it says ''Sing of Life Glories'' Silence her and kill her as soon as possible then or she heals back to 40%.

Aukuda the Cursed
Allright, head left and go trough the hallway. Clear rooms. If anyone has the quest of Aukuda, then he's there, if not kill Dorlos 1st and then come back and he's there.
Aukuda is probably the nastiest boss of Mystic Altar. It has high damage, it random charges people, it can fear and stun. Charges can be interrupted if your tank is fast enough to charge him before he charges someone else. When he charged someone. He'll do some AoE skill so run away if he charges. You need a good tank and healer for this because he has high damage.

Head down the hallway clear room or walk trough. Go down and you'll see adds coming up. They'll stand in formation. Just kill them 1 by 1. Kill them all except the last one. The last one will aggro the boss as well.So re-gain mana and HP after you killed all the adds and then kill the last add. As soon you killed the add, go for boss. This boss AoE's (Nasty AoE) and spawns around 8 adds. Leave 1 add alive or he spawns them again (So healer have to tank 1 add). At 50% he teleports you all the time. Closer to him. So take distance fast again because he might AoE. After that he starts using fear. So you need a good healer and a good tank, bu he's doable.

Cursed Iron-Golem
Last boss, head back to where you killed Razeela and go left, hug wall, make sure you don't pull anything because they are chained. Which means you'll pull the whole room.

Take the entrance on your left handside and kill all rooms till you see small beetles and 2 big dogs. Carefully pull them because there's a boss behind them. After you killed those go for boss. It has a strong damage and most of all, he has a very nasty AoE Knockdown effect. It not just knock you down but it does quite amount of damage as well. So suggested is, range only except for the tank. For the rest, tank and spank.

Good luck with it :)

(This tut can be find here too:

Tactics - Necropolis of Mirrors (known as Necro, NoM)

Hi again,

I want to share the tactics this instance. This pretty easy if you know the tax :)

Level Requirement:
Healers 35+ (min 4k hp)
Tanks 39+ (min 9k hp)
Bosses: 6


Magister Gumas
Easy boss, tank and spank. Nothing really special. 1st boss Necropolis of mirrors you need to keep 1 interrupt stun so his holy aura (less hit rate) won't be casted. You could also do this for his aoe attacks.

Androlier's Shadow
It's pretty much an easy boss, but at some point she copies herself a couple of times. Kill the adds and most of all, keep them off the healers. He also uses the special ability Mirror Shell. It can also cast the spell mentioned under 2) of Andolier's Prisoner, but less regularly than the Prisoner does.

Androlier's Strength
High damage, and fears now and then. Need a good tank for this and good healers. He also uses the special ability Mirror Shell. Summons 'weak' adds.

Androlier's Prisoner
1) Androlier's Prisoner has an AoE fear with a range of about 200-250.

2) He has a spell that he cast (with-in 10 seconds I think) on the person with the most aggro called Renaissance or something like that. This spell puts a debuff on the person with the most aggro that gives them an AoE (about 100-150 range) that hurts the other people in the party only! A level 50 K/W had it and was hitting me (4.5K PDef) for 1k every 5 seconds even when he was feared! The spell wears off about 20 seconds AFTER you kill Androlier's Prisoner.

3) To avoid it's special Ability, Impact of Resonance, the skill is based on Physical Damage, if you have an experienced higher level/geared mage/priest he/she could tank it (For experienced group)!

Krodamar & Krodamon
You can pull them 1 by 1, just look at their walking pattern. Kill the speedy's around you to get a safe spot, and tank it there. Both of these bosses have quite high damage and spawn speedies (every 25%). Let some AoE'er take care of those adds. Also it has high AoE, so it's def adviced for other close DPS'ers to stand back when it AoE's. Both bosses are about the same. 1 has a Berserk which deals high damage. The other one has a shield which makes you unable to attack him for a while. They both provide a keypart, use both keyparts and you can open the chest in the middle for loot.

Good luck with it :)

(This tut can be find here too:

Tactics - Forsaken Abbey (known as FA)

Hi again,

I want to show you the tactics for an instance called Forsaken Abbey ;)

Level requirement:
23+ for healers (min 1k hp)
26+ for tanks (min 2k hp)
Bosses: 5


Ghoul Duke
To spawn the first boss, you have to kill all the necro mages. First boss is easy, tank and spank. Strong attacks, but not much to worry about. As soon you killed him, the door behind him opens and you can pass to the next bosses.

Flowing Chaos:
This boss has AoE, gives a nasty debuff and fears. He only fears tank and not the whole group. The debuff does XX damage per 2 seconds and causes a slowdown effect. The AoE has light damage to.

1 of the players will receive a keyfragment, keep it, don't throw it away.

Cruel Eater:
It's the best to tank these bosses in the big room, so it's smart to clear that room properly. This boss is once again, tank and spank. Stuns now and then and has a special attack which is a triple attack.

Once again, you'll get a keyfragment.

Hollow Shell:
Hollow Shell, once again, tank it in the big room is the easiest. This boss has AoE, not alot of AoE, but good enough to let the other DPS stand back a bit. This boss spawns an add at the healer every 10%. Make sure you have someone ready to intercept those adds.

Once again, you'll get a keyfragment.

Stick the keyfragments in the door for the last boss.

Demon Witch Ancalon:
Clear the room to start with, then let the tank attack. It spawns 4 adds right away. 2 Zombies, 2 mages. The zombies have to be killed though. At 50% it does the same, and at 25% as well. The zombies attack partymembers, but the necromages heal Ancalon before attacking the party. These heals can be avoided if you kill the necromages which she spawns fast enough. If you don't do it fast enough, she'll heal. Also it heals at 50% and 25% for like 25%. It has AoE.

Good luck with it :)

(this tut can be readed in this link

Friday, June 18, 2010

Yellow Stats

Hi again,

I want to share you the yellow stats what uses currently in the game:

Tier Name -------------------------- stat1 - stat2 - stat3

7 Ability of fear VII -------------- 54 INT 305 MP
7 Ability of the Demon Dragon VII -- 47 WIS 305 HP
7 Ability of the lost VII ---------- 47 INT 305 MP
5 Agility V ------------------------ 20 DEX 50 MDEF
7 Armor VII ------------------------ 41 STA 123 MDEF
6 Assault VI ----------------------- 30 STR 60 MATT
6 Aureola VI ----------------------- 30 WIS 60 MATT
7 Aureola VII ---------------------- 41 WIS 82 MATT
5 Authority V ---------------------- 20 STA 50 DEF
6 Authority VI --------------------- 30 STA 75 DEF

5 Barbarian V ---------------------- 20 STR 50 PATT
6 Barbarian VI --------------------- 30 STR 75 PATT
7 Bite VII ------------------------- 41 DEX 205 HP
7 Blaze VII ------------------------ 41 INT 123 MDEF
7 Blood of fear VII ---------------- 54 STR 54 STA
7 Blood of the lost VII ------------ 47 STR 47 STA
6 Break VI ------------------------- 30 DEX 60 MATT

7 Candle of fear VII --------------- 54 WIS 254 MDEF
7 Core of the lost VII ------------- 47 WIS 305 MP
5 Cougar V ------------------------- 15 STR 15 DEX
7 Cruel VII ------------------------ 41 DEX 94 PATT
5 Crystal V ------------------------ 50 MP 50 DEF
6 Crystal VI ----------------------- 75 MP 75 DEF

7 Dazzle VII ----------------------- 41 DEX 41 INT
7 Dedication VII ------------------- 41 WIS 235 MP
5 Defender V ----------------------- 20 STR 50 DEF
7 Diamond of the lost VII ---------- 47 DEX 104 PATT

5 Endurance V ---------------------- 20 STA 50 HP
7 Eruption VII --------------------- 41 STA 82 PATT
7 Eye of the Demon Dragon VII ------ 47 STR 305 HP

5 Fang V --------------------------- 20 DEX 50 PATT
6 Fang VI -------------------------- 30 DEX 75 PATT
7 Fire of fear VII ----------------- 54 STR 365 HP
7 Fire of the lost VII ------------- 47 STR 305 HP
7 Flame of the Demon Dragon VII ---- 47 DEX 305 HP
5 Force V -------------------------- 15 STA 15 DEX
5 Fox V ---------------------------- 15 DEX 15 INT
7 Fright VII ----------------------- 41 STA 41 DEX
7 Fury of the lost VII ------------- 47 DEX 221 MDEF
7 Future of the Demon Dragon VII --- 47 INT 305 MP

5 Genius V ------------------------- 15 INT 15 WIS
7 Glory VII ------------------------ 41 STR 123 DEF
6 Guard VI ------------------------- 30 STA 180 HP
7 Gulp VII ------------------------- 41 STA 205 MP

7 Heart of fear VII ---------------- 54 INT 54 STA
7 Heart of the Lost VII ------------ 47 INT 47 STA

5 Illumine V ----------------------- 20 INT 50 MATT
6 Illumine VI ---------------------- 30 INT 75 MATT
5 Illusion V ----------------------- 20 INT 50 MDEF
7 Inhibition VII ------------------- 41 STR 123 MDEF

7 Inquisition VII ------------------ 41 INT 41 STA

7 Juncture VII --------------------- 41 WIS 41 STR

5 Keen V --------------------------- 50 PATT 50 DEF
6 Keen VI -------------------------- 75 PATT 75 DEF

7 Light of fear VII ---------------- 54 STA 54 DEX
7 Light of the Lost VII ------------ 47 STA 47 DEX
7 Lost Power VII ------------------- 47 STR 104 PATT
7 Lost shell VII ------------------- 47 STA 104 MATT

7 Mage VII ------------------------- 41 STA 82 MATT
7 Mirage VII ----------------------- 41 WIS 205 HP
5 Monk V --------------------------- 15 STA 15 WIS
7 Moon of Fear VII ----------------- 56 DEX 365 HP
7 Moon of the lost VII ------------- 47 DEX 265 HP

5 Observance V --------------------- 20 DEX 50 HP
5 Oppression V --------------------- 20 STA 50 PATT
7 Origin of the lost VII ----------- 47 STA 305 HP

5 Paladin V ------------------------ 20 STR 50 MDEF
6 Paladin VI ----------------------- 30 STR 75 MDEF
7 Pioneer VII ---------------------- 41 STA 123 DEF
8 Pioneer VIII --------------------- 52 STA 156 DEF
7 Power of the lost VII ------------ 47 STR 104 PATT
5 Precision V ---------------------- ? ?
7 Prophet VII ---------------------- 41 WIS 123 MDEF

7 Rage of the lost VII 47 ---------- DEX 221 DEF
7 Ravage VII ----------------------- 41 STR 41 DEX
6 Ray VI --------------------------- 30 WIS 75 MDEF
7 Razor VII ------------------------ 41 STR 94 PATT
5 Reflex V ------------------------- 20 DEX 50 DEF
7 Repentance VII ------------------- 41 STA 41 WIS
7 Return VII ----------------------- 41 WIS 123 DEF
5 Rigor V -------------------------- 20 STA 50 MDEF

5 Sage V --------------------------- 50 MP 20 WIS
5 Savage V ------------------------- 15 STR 15 STA
6 Savage VI ------------------------ 20 STR 20 STA
5 Savant V ------------------------- 50 MP 50 MDEF
7 Scale of Fear VII ---------------- 54 STR 54 DEX
7 Scale of the Lost VII ------------ 47 STR 47 DEX
7 Seal of ancient wood VII --------- 57 STR 44 INT 32 STA
7 Seal of bravery VII -------------- 57 STA 44 STR 32 INT
7 Seal of the Demon Dragon VII ----- 47 STA 221 MDEF
7 Seal of the lost VII ------------- 47 DEX 104 MATT
4 Seclusion IV --------------------- 15 STA 30 HP
7 Secret of the Demon Dragon VII --- 47 INT 221 MDEF
7 Secret of the lost VII ----------- 47 WIS 305 HP
7 Slaughter VII -------------------- 41 DEX 123 DEF
7 Soul of the Demon Dragon VII ----- 47 STA 104 PATT
7 Soul of the Lost VII ------------- 47 INT 104 MATT
6 Soul VI -------------------------- 75 DEF 30 WIS
7 Specter VII ---------------------- 41 INT 82 PATT
4 Speed IV ------------------------- 15 DEX 30 MP
5 Speed V -------------------------- 20 DEX 50 MP
7 Spirit of the Demon Dragon VII --- 47 STA 104 MATT
7 Spirit of the lost VII ----------- 47 INT 47 WIS
7 Stone of fear VII ---------------- 54 STA 254 MDEF
7 Stone of the Demon Dragon VII ---- 47 STA 221 PDEF
7 Stone of the Lost VII ------------ 47 STA 221 MDEF
7 Strike of the Lost VII ----------- 47 INT 221 PDEF
6 Suppression VI ------------------- 30 STR 30 STA
7 Suppression VII ------------------ 41 STR 41 STA
7 Surrender VII -------------------- 41 STR 205 HP

7 Tear of the Lost VII ------------- 47 STA 221 DEF
7 Trial VII ------------------------ 41 INT 41 WIS

7 Vengeance VII -------------------- 41 STR 41 INT

5 Warlock V ------------------------ 50 MATT 50 MDEF
7 Water of fear VII ---------------- 54 STR 126 MATT
7 Water of the lost VII ------------ 47 STR 104 MATT
7 Whip VII ------------------------- 41 INT 205 MP
7 Wind of the Lost VII ------------- 47 STR 221 PDEF
7 Wing of the lost VII ------------- 47 STA 305 MP
7 Wit VII -------------------------- 41 INT 94 MATT
7 Wind of Fear VII ----------------- 54 STR 293 DEF

Equipment Enhancing

Hi again,

I want to show you how easy to add stats into your equipment using arcane transmutor. The way to make yourself stronger, it costs a lot, it requires a lot of time, but the result is worth it.
Each item can have a maximum of 6 statnames. 1 statname can have 1, 2 or 3 actual stats. Sometimes an item don't have statname, but the stat! This stats called unnamed stats. (For example: 57 Wisdom/57 Stamina in lvl 57 purple shield)

Every item which has a durability of 101+ has a hidden 20% powerbonus. So instead of 10 stamina it gives 12 stamina (for example). Remember, that you lose durability during fighting, so if you drop to 100 dura you'll lose this 20% durability bonus till you repair your equipment or buy Golden Repair Hammer to it from item mall.

Arcane Transmutor - Armor
First of all I would like to advice you not to use the arcane transmutor to much till you reach level 50.

To create an item you need the following:
Fusion stones and items -> Mana Stones of the same tier
Arcane Transmutor Charges
Arcane Transmutor Charges can be bought with Phirius Tokens (You obtain them from your Daily Quests) or trough the Item Mall with Diamonds.

10 Charges cost 300 Phirius Tokens or 19 Diamonds. Everytime you do something with the Arcane Transmutor it consumes 1 charge**.

Fusion Stones can be bought from in West of Lower Varanas and Obsidian Stronghold Middle Square. Each stone can have 2 or 3 statnames. The chance of 2 statname stones is smaller then 3 statnames.

Purified Fusion Stones are available in the Item Mall, they have 0 statnames.

My example will be done with Fusion Stones. You need a total of 3 Fusion Stones. Remember that the maximum is 6 statnames on 1 item. You can NEVER have for example 2x Endurance V on 1 item. They overlap each other. This is the same for every statname. So you have to take Fusion Stones which match with each other.

As you can see above here, these statnames will overlap each other, you can't have twice the same statname on 1 item.

As you can see above your Arcane Transmutor has 5 slots, for Armor combining you'll only need 4 slots in total. Also at the top you can see how much charges you have.
I have a Clean Endurance V, Clean Authority V and a 28 Stamina and 3 fusion stones.

Above here you can see that if you combine 1 fusion stone with 1 item the 2 items will disappear and merge into 1 item. You've just created a Mana Stone. Please note, that there are different tiers. You need 3 identical tier stones. Example:

3x Mana Stone Tier 2 will work
2x Mana Stone Tier 2 and 1x Mana Stone Tier 3 will not work.

Level 1-25 is most of the time Tier 1
Level 25-40 is most of the time Tier 2
Level 40-57 is most of the time Tier 3 EXCEPT for rare and epic items, these items are Tier 4.

Now you've created 3 mana stones we'll go to the next step, adding them to your armor. Put all 3 mana stones in your Arcane Transmutor and also put the piece of armor you wish to stat in your Arcane Transmutor. (See below).

In the Preview you can see how your item looks like. Click Confirm and the mana stones will merge into the Armorpiece. You've now succesfully created an enchanted item.

Arcane Transmutor - Weapons
When you creating weapon, you shouldn't stat that, just need to tier. What does this means?
Each Tier gives +10% to the weapon's power,so useless to keep that t3 or t4. The stat are don't count in this case.
For example if you want to make a t6 weapon you need:

  • an item what want you tier
  • 81x random fusion stone (160.380 gold)
  • 81x Dress Uniform Belt (128.223 gold)
  • 121 transmutor charges

You need to get 3 x T6 Mana Stones!

  • create 27 x T3 Mana stones from 27 fusion stones, 27 t3 item and 27 at charges.
  • create 9 x t4 Mana stones from 27 x t3 mana stones.
  • create 3 x t5 Mana stones from 9 x t4 mana stones.
  • finally create 1 x t6 mana stones from 3 x t5 mana stones.
  • repeat this steps 2 times.

Now use your 3 x t6 stones, 1 x at charges and your weapon what want you to upgrade in arcane transmutor.

Important: your stats in weapon are replaced with this low-lvl stats from the mana stones.

Arcane Transmutor - RUNES

str = strength
dex = dexterity
sta = stamina
int = intelligence
wis = wisdom
HP = health points
MP = mana points
PA = physical attack
MA = magical attack
PD = defense (physical defense)
MD = magical defense
AT = Arcane Transmutor
t1 = tier 1
t2 = tier 2
t3 = tier 3

Basic rank:

Handy if you're missing that last 1 basic rune and you have lots of others left over...

Power + Quickness = Resistance
Power + Mind = Harm
Shell + Mind = Vitality
Shell + Vitality = Magic
Vitality + Magic = Shell
Vitality + Resistance = Power
Resistance + Quickness = Shield
Resistance + Mind = Quickness
Mind + Magic = Strike
Shield + Resistance = Endurance
Strike + Vitality = Mind

1st rank
Endurance + Mind = Triumph (Tier 1: +3 int, +1 dex)
Endurance + Quickness = Rouse (Tier 1: +3 dex, +1 sta)
Magic + Resistance = Guts (Tier 1: +3 sta, +1 wis)
Vitality + Power = Excite (Tier 1 : +3 str, +1 int)
Vitality + Mind = Payback (Tier 1: +10 MP, +1 wis)
Endurance + Resistance = Atonement (Tier 1: +10 HP, +2 sta)

2nd rank
Excite + Triumph = Anger (Tier 1: +8 PA, +2 int)
Guts + Excite = Mayhem (Tier 1: +8 MA, +2 str)
Guts + Triumph = Barrier (Tier 1: +8 PD, +2 wis)
Guts + Rouse = Resistor (Tier 1: +8 MD, +2 sta)

3rd rank
Anger + Mayhem = Potential (Tier 1: +3 to all stats)
Resistor + Barrier = Fearless (Tier 1: +10 to all resistances)
Anger + Barrier = Passion (Tier 1: +7HP recovery)
Resistor + Mayhem = Fountain (Tier 1: +7MP recovery rate)

4th rank
Fearless + Fountain = Sorcery (Tier 1: +5 int, +2 wis)
Fearless + Passion = Might (Tier 1: +5 str, +2 stam) )
Fountain + Passion = Agile (Tier 1: +5 str, +2 dex)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gathering, processing and production

Hi again,

1., Gathering, processing
Resources are broken up into two classes, Common Resources and Rare resources. Common resources start out gatherable at level 1 and a new tier is available usually every 6 subsequent levels later (Level 1, 8, 14, 20, 26, 32, 38, 44, 50, 56). Rare resources start out also gatherable at level 1 but a new tier is available every subsequent 10 levels (1, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61). Common resources are easily available within the area that they spawn in and the nodes are always at the same locations. Occasionally a node that spawns a common resource will instead spawn a rare resource that is in the same general level range as the common resource that normally spawns there.
  1. Mining -> Smelting
    Have you ever experienced the happiness of mining under the shining sun as sweat rolls off your brow? Perhaps you've felt a different kind of joy from toiling away deep underground? Do you want to learn mining?

    Good! Seldom do I meet someone who agrees so heartily! I can't keep track of how many people have already been scared away today...
    Don't think that mining is just for physical exercise! Sure, mining is tiring work, but the ores you gather through mining, once smelted, can be used to make all kinds of weapons, armor and other equipment. This is a very useful skill.
    Mining is very simple: just click on any pile of ore you come across!
    Now head out and unleash that miner's blood in you! Good luck!

    Mining Ore
    When observing your surroundings, those things that can be gathered will glow or glitter. You can also adjust the minimap settings to make collection points appear on the map. Click on the settings button on the minimap, then select which resources you want to display from the drop down menu. As you travel around, you will easily be able to see these resources on your minimap.
    I can certainly teach you some basic techniques, but mining is tough! First you must find a mineral vein suitable for the level of your skills. Then left-click the vein to start mining.

    Smelting requires a lot of patience and concentration! Directly using ores mined out of the ground is not enough, products require ore in a purer state. This is when refining ores is important.
    You can find the "Smelting" skill in the "Normal" tab on the "Skill" interface. Then when you are on the smelting page choose the recipe on the left side. Then in the lower right part of the page, select the quantity to be produced. If you have enough materials in your backpack, press "Craft" to begin work! However, you need to be near Blacksmithing Tools to do this. You can learn smelting recipes from a mining instructor.

    Mining summary
    Mining Resources appear as a rock on your mini-map.
    When using ore for recipes, it will need to be refined first.
    To refine ore, your character needs to possess the correct recipe for doing so.
    Recipes can be purchased from the various mining instructors found in the major cities in the game.
    For ore, the refining recipes are Sand, Nugget, and Ingot.
    Each recipe needs to be purchased separately, and you can only purchase recipes equal to or less than the level of your mining skill.
  2. Woocutting -> Woddcrafting
    Filling your lungs withb song when cutting wood gives you more strength, not to mention it helps to pass the time.

    You want to learn lumberjacking? Do you want to learn singing too? Singing is my real expertise!
    What? You just want to learn lumberjacking?
    Oh, alright... Well, lumberjacking is definitely a great skill to learn! The wood you get from lumberjacking, once crafted, can be used to make weapons, armor and other equipment.
    Just click on any suitable trees you find to harvest them for lumber!
    You should head out and try it now. When we lumberjacks say go, it's time to go! Hehe....

    Harvesting Wood
    When observing your surroundings, those things that can be gathered will glow or glitter. You can also adjust the minimap settings to make collection points appear on the map. Click on the settings button on the minimap, then select which resources you want to display from the drop down menu. As you travel around, you will easily be able to see these resources on your minimap.
    Those who look down on woodcutting would also be the first to break down in tears from actually doing it! To cut wood, find a suitable tree and then left-click on it.

    Woocutting requires a lot of patience and concentration!
    Freshly-chopped wood can not be directly used to make products. You need to first prepare the wood through woodcrafting.
    You can find the "Woodcutting" skill in the "Normal" tab on the "Skill" interface. Then when you are on the woodcutting page choose the recipe on the left side. Then in the lower right part of the page, select the quantity to be produced. If you have enough materials in your backpack, press "Craft" to begin work! However, you need to be near Carpentry Tools to do this. you can learn woodcrafting recipes from a woodcutting instructor.

    Woodcutting Summary
    Woodcutting Resources appear as a log on your mini-map.
    When using wood for recipes, it will need to be refined first.
    To refine wood, your character needs to possess the correct recipe for doing so.
    Recipes can be purchased from the various woodcutting instructors found in the major cities in the game.
    For wood, the refining recipes are Timber, Lumber, and Plank.
    Each recipe needs to be purchased separately, and you can only purchase recipes equal to or less than the level of your woodcutting skill.
  3. Herbalism -> Extraction
    Do you want to learn herb collection?
    I think you have made a wise choice. Whether for alchemical potions or simply for food, herbs are indespensible.
    Collecting them is simple! Just click on any herbs you come across.
    But pay attention, because sometimes herbs look just like regular grass, so you might walk right past them. Keep your eyes open.
    Useful herbs are gifts from nature, so you should be grateful when you collect them.

    Gathering Herbs
    When observing your surroundings, those things that can be gathered will glow or glitter. You can also adjust the minimap settings to make collection points appear on the map. Click on the settings button on the minimap, then select which resources you want to display from the drop down menu. As you travel around, you will easily be able to see these resources on your minimap.
    Collecting herbs requires patience and carefulness, and it seems you might be suitable for the job. When out in the wild, simply left-click on any herbs you find to begin collecting them.

    Extraction requires a lot of patience and concentration!
    The effectiveness of herbs harvested in the field is limited due to their low quality, so if you want to begin making herbal potions you will need higher-quality herbal ingedients. To produce these high-quality ingredients, we must know how to process herbs.
    You can find the "Extraction" skill in the "Normal" tab on the "Skill" interface. Then when you are on the Extraction page choose the recipe on the left side. Then, in the lower right part of the interface, select the quantity to be produced. If you have enough materials in your backpack, press "Craft" to begin work! However, you need to be near Alchemy Tools to do this. you can learn extraction recipes from a herbalist instructor.

    Herbalism Summary
    Herb Resources appear as a bundle of grass on your mini-map.
    When using herbs for recipes, it will need to be refined first.
    To refine herbs, your character needs to possess the correct recipe for doing so.
    Recipes can be purchased from the various herbalism instructors found in the major cities in the game.
    For herbs, the refining recipes are Bundle, Sap, and Extract.
    Each recipe needs to be purchased separately, and you can only purchase recipes equal to or less than the level of your herbalism skill.

2., Production
Crafting allows you to create armor, weapons, food, potions, and other items. There are six production professions:

  1. Alchemy
    "Alchemy is the art of manipulating life, and consciousness in matter, to help it evolve, or to solve problems of inner disharmonies." - Jean Dubuis

    Or in the world of Taborea, it is the art of gathering various herbs and regents to later be combined in a boiling cauldron
    to create powerful potions to aid your allies, or possibly hinder your enemies.

    Like other crafting skills, you must not only have the recipe, and listed ingredients, but you must also be -at- a crafting station.

    Remember, crafting stations are always marked by the giant neon green arrow which is also bouncing. Above which is a floating icon of the applicable trade. For alchemy, we are looking for bubbling cauldrons, and boiling beakers. Alchemy recipes for level 11 and above will require the use of 1 Blend Rune.
  2. Armor Crafting
    Everybody needs some protection!
    Armorcrafting is a wide field to master, but if you practice diligently, you may one day enter the circle of the great masters.
    To craft armor, you first need to be near Armorcrafting Tools (See Below). Just look for the green arrow with the hammer icon floating above it. Go to "Crafting" in the system menu and select "Armorcrafting". Then select the item you want to create and the quantity.
  3. Blacksmithing
    Blacksmithing looks very difficult, but with the proper techniques, anyone can do it!
    You can find the "Blacksmithing" skill in the "Normal" tab on the "skill" interface. In the Blacksmithing production interface, where you can select the items you want to produce from the production list on the left of the interface. Then, in the lower right part of the interface, select the quantity to be produced. If you have enough materials in your backpack, press "Craft" to begin work! However, you will need to be near Blacksmithing Tools for any kind of blacksmithing. (Such as those below)
    Go try it! Strike while the iron's hot!
  4. Carpentry
    Carpentry requires a lot of patience and concentration!
    You can find the "Carpentry" skill in the "Normal" tab on the "Skill" interface. In the Carpentry
    production interface list on the left side of the interface. Then, in the lower right part of the interface, select the quantity to be produced. If you have enough materials in your backpack, press
    "Craft" to begin work! However, you need to be near Carpentry Tools to do this. Carpentry recipes for level 11 and above will require the use of 1 Link Rune.
  5. Cooking
    Mmmmmm... Delicious! Did the aroma of a delicious meal lure you here? Do you want to be able to make such food?
    you can learn the Cooking skill from a Cooking Instructor.
    Cooking is the origin of life and fire is it's soul. To learn how to cook you need to learn how to master the fire!
    Cooking is a skill that can bring energy to people. So let's jump into the wonderful world of cooking!
    To cook, go to the "Normal" tab of the skill interface and select "Cooking". You can find the food and desserts you can create. You also need to be near Cooking Tools and to have the proper ingredients ready. Once you have all these things then you're ready! Cooking recipes for level 11 and above will require the use of 1 Activate Rune.
  6. Tailoring
    ust like in the real world, in Taborea, fashion is everything.
    Do you want to learn tailoring? The options are endless with tailoring if you choose this path.
    To tailor, you first need to be near Tailoring Tools (See Below). Just look for the green arrow with the thread and needle icon floating above it. Go to "Crafting" in the system menu and select "Tailoring". Then select the item you want to create and the quantity. Tailoring recipes for level 11 and above will require the use of 1 Disenchant Rune.

Production recipes
There are two ways to acquire production recipes. First, you can learn some basic recipes directly from production skill instructors. Second, you may be able to buy rare recipes from merchants during your travels, or even find them on monsters you slay. Right-click on a recipe in your inventory to learn it.
Production recipes level 11 and higher require a production rune ingredient.

  • Alchemy - Blend Rune
  • Armor Crafting - Purify Rune
  • Blacksmithing - Frost Rune
  • Carpentry - Link Rune
  • Cooking - Activate Rune
  • Tailoring - Disenchant Rune

Carfting levels
Crafting skills include gathering skills such as mining, woodcutting and herbalism, and production skills such as blacksmithing, carpentry, armorcrafting, tailoring, cooking and alchemy.
Every type of crafting skill has 4 tiers of availability:

  • Level 1-20 Apprentice
  • Level 20-40 Craftsman
  • Level 40-60 Adept
  • Level 60-80 Master

Note: to become a master at a crafting skill you have to talk to a master instructor for your craft, but the master instructors are not in game, so you can not be master level yet.
For each crafting skill, the more experience you have using it, the more your skill level will increase. However, once you hit the upper skill level limit for your tier, you will not be able to continue increasing levels in this way. Instead, you must first be promoted to the next tier by passing a special test.
Basically, you will be able to reach the apprentice tier for every skill. However, only six skills can be raised to the craftsman tier, only three skills can be raised to the adept tier and only one skill may be raised to the master tier.
If you have maxed out the number of crafting skills you can have at a given ability tier (craftsman tier is limited to 6 skills, the adept tier is limited to 3 skills, and the master tier is limited to 1 skill), but you would like to promote another skill to that tier, you must first demote one of your current skills.
For example, if your mining blacksmithing and carpentry skills have reached the adept tier, but you would now like to raise your armorcrafting skill to the adept tier, you must first demote either mining, blacksmithing or carpentry to the craftsman tier. Only then can you raise your armorcrafting skill to the adept tier.
Once you have demoted a skill's tier, that skill's level will drop to the upper limit of its new tier level. In other words, if you demote a skill from the adept to craftsman tier, that skill's level will drop to level 40. This means that if you want to raise that skill to the adept level again in the future, you will need to start training it from level 40 once more.

Runes of Magic - Basics II.

Hi Again,

I continue introducing this game for the further basics of it. :)
In this article I'll talk about regions, cities and instances.

1., World and continents
The main world called Taborea, what's have two continents Candara and Zandorya. I write the in-game name after the normal name (in order how they released).

2., Main areas

Pioneer's Colony (Pio)
In the idyllic scenery of the Howling Mountains the Council of Varanas build a base. With its clear lake and its picturesque waterfall, its proud forests and newly discovered veins of ore the Pioneer’s Colony is rich in both beauty and raw materials.
A small mine to the west of the village is the newest excavation area in the region. After mushroom-beings in great numbers appeared all of a sudden “Silvershadow” sent out many young adventures to settle the matter and help with the mining so that the region might prosper. All human adventurers are born here.

Howling Mountains (Hm)
The gloomy word howling in the name of the Howling Mountains does not correspond to the mellow landscape. In earnest though there was a meeting place of lower daemons here and especially the Barrow was a venue for the wild hordes.
In certain nights they performed bizarre sacrificial rituals in the Barrow’s monumental stone formation. Due to the accompanying screams the area was later called the Howling Mountains. Some years ago the Council of Varanas and the Eye of Wisdom repeatedly cleansed the region with great wraith expulsions and the force of arms.
At the time the first humans settled there, no howling could be heard, which has once reverberated through the valley. Since then travellers and adventures experience the Howling Mountains as an open ley, which can be perceived at a glance. The surrounding mountains and spiky stone formations can nonetheless instil a slightly eerie feeling of discomfort. Parts:
  • Hidden Valley
    The Hidden Valley received its name because of its hidden location. In all four directions this deep-set region is surrounded by towering mountains.
    This is why the Hidden Valley was only discovered after the adventure guild “Silvershadow” was looking for the sources of different bodies of water. In addition to one of the springs they also detected traces of ore. To mine the ore the Council of Varanas founded the Pioneer’s Colony.
  • Pioneer's Colony
    In the idyllic scenery of the Howling Mountains the Council of Varanas build a base. With its clear lake and its picturesque waterfall, its proud forests and newly discovered veins of ore the Pioneer’s Colony is rich in both beauty and raw materials.
    A small mine to the west of the village is the newest excavation area in the region. After mushroom-beings in great numbers appeared all of a sudden “Silvershadow” sent out many young adventures to settle the matter and help with the mining so that the region might prosper.
  • Hidden Valley Mines
    After the founding of the Pioneer’s Colony the mine yielded a steady supply of ore for years. It did not take long though before a band of Goblins launched a surprise attack. They even brought cave crabs with them as if to publicly announce that the ore was now theirs.
    In light of the goblin’s attack and the crab’s furious digging, the mine’s stonewalls became loose. That was the moment the humans decided to abandon the mine in order to focus on the ore vein to the west of the settlement. This was a temporary measure until all goblins and cave crabs could be driven away.
  • Helen's Farm
    A small barnyard in the Howling Mountains is operated by the peaceful Helen. Alongside the breeding of some cows the peasant woman also plants vegetables. For the neighbouring settlement of Logar she is an important supplier of day-to-day foodstuffs.Even though young bears and wolves in the proximity of the farm worry Helen, she does not intend to strengthen her defences. All that she wants is to live in harmony with her surroundings.
  • The Crushed Plain
    This landscape links the Barrow to the Moon-Spring. It is from the boulders and rocky debris which lie about that the Crushed Plain received its name. At the same time, the Crushed Plain serves as an important transportation intersection from the Howling Mountains to the far away outskirts. Nearby, a squad of the Varanas Guard set up a camp to ensure the safety of passing travelers.
  • Logar
    For the past couple of years, Logar has been becoming more and more famous. Since the Council of Varanas decided to exploit the nearby mines, humans have performed some great wraith expulsions helped by the Eye of Wisdom. After the affirmation that the area was safe and sound for human settlement, a group of highly trained citizens were chosen to make this new region accessible.
    Their leader was called Logar. In the battle against the demons he decided to protect his companions by sacrificing himself, falling alongside the demons he fought. As a reminder of his heroic deeds the settlement which was later founded bore his name. Logar’s younger brother is now the mayor of this town.
    The settlement has a great windmill which grinds the corn of the neighboring farms. Because of the windmill's importance in the everyday life of Logar’s citizens, it also became its landmark. It is common knowledge among all travelers that when the windmill can be seen, Logar lies directly ahead.
  • The Moon Hills
    The magical Moon Hills are a plateau of limestone cliffs which emit billowing clouds of steam. A long time ago a wanderer travelling at night saw the reflection of the moon in the waters of a spring. He thought that he might find treasure, but the moonlight guided him to this place and it is for that reason that the spring is now called Moon-Spring.
    There is another magical relevance to this place: At the time the Howling Mountains were still the home of lower demons, they did not dare to venture into the Moon Hills. It is rumored that this may be because of a mighty enchanted creature dwelling in the Moongorge, which lies deep in the mountain range.
  • Moongorge (MG)
    It is a steep vertical vale, which water carved out of the limestone and is situated close to the reservoir where the water flows. On the inside the Moongorge is full of stalactites and stalagmites, while the turquoise water flowing there reflects violet light-spots. The touching atmosphere and the outlandish beauty of the scene resemble a cathedral of nature.
    According to legend the Moongorge is home to a mighty being, so terrifying that even demons feared it. No-one has ever dared to venture into the deep to take a glimpse of that creature.
  • Sevaida Woods
    The wild forest lies eastwards of Logar and in the ancient language, Sevaida means “Power of Aeons”.
    A bard, accompanied by the mayor of Logar once came to this forest and when he saw the Dead Tree with its cave deep in the woods, he was deeply touched and praised it as a symbol of ancient and mighty power. For that reason the mayor proposed to call this place Sevaida.
  • The Dead Tree Cave
    In the Sevaida Woods stands a towering, white, weathered tree trunk with a natural opening in it. This hole is linked to an underground cavern. Just like the mysterious environment gave birth to this strange plant, it also created other strange life-forms.
    It was this cave where Logar the hero fought the spider demon Pirlanok. After Pirlanok was defeated, legend tells that he was banished into the white trunk where he drinks the power of the forest and awaits his resurrection.
  • The Barrow
    The Barrow is an elevated place framed by stone columns. The slanted remains of stone columns and great boulders lie about everywhere – just like in the Crushed Plain. This was the place were demons formerly performed their sacrificial rituals. The ancient, monolithic stone formation is at its center.
    Even though humans already settled in the Howling Mountains, for some reason a group of kobolds banded together to drive them out. Their surprise attack was successful and the humans settled elsewhere.
  • The Barren Caves (Barren)
    Originally the Barren Caves were a breeding ground for demons in the Howling Mountains. After the demon’s annihilation, the caves were abandoned and are considered to be cursed. Normal people avoid them at all costs. But lately a group of nearby kobolds started to move and claimed ownership of this place.
    Nobody knows why they began to act all of a sudden, but some suspect that they are looking for left-behind treasures and magical objects, which were hidden by the demons – a valid assumption considering their habits.

Silverspring (SS)
The Silverspring plain has always been important farmland and even ore mining has taken place here before. The name Silverspring was supposedly chosen to reflect the abundance of this place's natural resources.
But in reality the name was first mentioned on a map, which was left behind by alchemists. In alchemy silver represents the magical essence, and so Silverspring is an indicator of ancient magic, of which remains can still be found there.
It is this magic that the Eye of Wisdom is after. In order to be close to it, the Eye of Wisdom moved from the old continent of Kolydia to Varanas - the city that holds sway over the Silverspring plain.

  • Peers farm, Maidges farm, Dorians farm
    These three farms are important life veins of Varanas. Unfortunately a short while ago a disease broke out, which lead to a less magnificent harvest then previous years. Even so, the savants of the Eyes of Wisdom work busily on a solution for this pesky and urging problem.
  • Forsaken Abbey (FA)
    Built some 70 years ago, the abbey had to be abandoned 40 years later. Once it was used by an ominous organization, which, while keeping its identity secret, has worked alongside the Eye of Wisdom on forbidden magical experiments.
    30 years ago an accident happened and almost completely annihilated the organization. After this incident the abbey was abandoned. Now the interior has become a fearsome place with hordes of restless Undead wandering around.
  • Twilight Mine
    The Twilight Mine was once brimming with ore and highly significant for the trade of Varanas. But when the rare material was almost completely depleted, the original trading company moved to the Quicksand Canyon to tap new resources. It evolved into today's Order of the Dark Glory.
    Nowadays only a few profitable ore veins remain, which are guarded by giant spiders lurking in the depth. In addition to that devious raiders prowl around the area, so normal people shun the place.
  • Lake of Magic Mist
    In between the Twilight Mine and Tagena lies a lake. On bright days the light glimmers on its surface and dancing sun rays amaze passers by. When water vapor ascends from the deep it is covered by haze - thin like a veil, a perfect dream. This natural spectacle gave the lake its name.
    Once dusk settles and the last sun rays shine through the vapor, a golden belt begins to shimmer. On an island in the lake's middle looms an old cottage, which was build by a hermit. It is said that he was once a magician who worked on behalf of the Eye of Wisdom. Nobody knows for sure why he decided to retire and live a secluded life there.
  • Tagena
    This area covers the remains of an ancient, monumental city, whose splendor was lost long ago and only ruins attest to its former glory. Apart from some isolated platforms, the whole city was erected on level ground. The decayed vestiges of the once majestic city wall glimmer tentatively through the prevailing monotony emanating from this place. Savants believe that the tremendous outward appearance of the wall greatly exceeds its meaning.
    Monstrous guardians tirelessly patrol the city's ruins. It is obvious though that the thing they are watching over is already destroyed and only their unconscious protective instinct is driving them. Maybe there is a connection to the nearby gates though. Nobody so far has been able to open them…
  • The Hall of Survivors (HoS)
    It is a monumental relict, which was leftover from the ancient civilization. It is the opinion of scholars that there were many different paths leading to this place from every direction, making it easy for all to gather here. Now these massive doors, which lead from Tagena to the Hall of Survivors, are closed. Nobody can pass through them…
  • Oblivion Shrine
    In Tagena lay the ruins of a hall, of which all four walls collapsed long ago. Only the foundation with it stone masonry work in the classic style and the toppled pillars remain. It is a bright and spacious place, and one can feel a sense of past glory through the waft of mist. Outside of the Hall ruins there are huge guards who relentlessly patrol the grounds.
    It is obvious that what they once protected was destroyed long ago, and they are now only driven by their unconscious protective instinct.


  • The History of Varanas
    One of the first things the Eye of Wisdom did when it reached the shores of the Candara continent, was to erect a city out of the white granite from the Silverspring Plain. This happened 120 years ago and the construction work lasted 20 years. The name of the city was Varanas.
    During the next century Varanas prospered and evolved into what it is today. In all that time the Eye of Wisdom took care of the city with grim determination, even though they publicly stressed that this place was only meant as a stronghold.
    Their true intentions lay hidden, but plenty of rumors abounded.
    In the last years the Council of Varanas evolved into a mighty opponent and shook the balance of power in the city. It combines the most distinguished families, which visibly lay the claim to control the matters of the city without interference. But in the Council itself there are various fractions that compete for power and influence and accuse each other of corruption and incompetence.
    Varanas’ high walls and its revered buildings cause many travelers to pause in awe the moment they catch a glimpse of it on the horizon. The city is glorified as the pristine connection of the art of masonry reaching towards the heavens.
    Others are not swayed by its beauty and vilify it as the home of greed and unparalleled arrogance. But only thugs, crooks and other criminals think that way and so they were banned years ago.
    Even though there are different opinions about the beauty of Varanas, the only way to find out the truth is to visit and experience The White Cathedral oneself.
  • Arriving in Varanas
    Varanas is the first city that players will reach in Runes of Magic. When you first arrive at the bridge into Varanas you will see the Runic Gate and its caretaker (only do this if you are a human, as elves will want to go to the Howling Mountains first). Be sure to stop and talk to the caretaker at 48.3,78.4 to mark this location for future travel.
    After crossing the bridge to the front of the city you will notice on the right side a bulletin board. Be sure to keep a close eye on the daily quests it offers!
    Speak to Derek at the gate if you are a new player, he will give you a chain of quests that will introduce you to the many features of Varanas.
  • Varanas West Wing
    You'll find many shops in Varanas's West Wing as well as stables and the Varanas City Garrison.
    The Blacksmithing Store in the West Wing has blacksmithing equipment where you can practice blacksmithing and make weapons. There is also an instructor there to teach you blacksmithing and raise your skill level.
    The Carpentry Shop has tools for woodworking and making weapons. There is also an instructor there to teach you carpentry and raise your skill level.
    The Armor crafting Shop has tools for making such items as leather armor, chain mail and plate armor. There is also an instructor there to teach you armor crafting and raise your skill level.
    The Alchemy Lab has equipment for making potions. There is also an instructor there to teach you alchemy and raise your skill level.
  • Varanas East Wing
    Varanas East Wing is divided into craft skill areas. This area has Tailoring, Cooking and Gathering.
    The Tailoring Shop has equipment where you can practice tailoring and make robes. There is also an instructor there to teach you tailoring and raise your skill level.
    The Cooking Area has equipment where you can practice cooking and make food. There is also an instructor there to teach you cooking and raise your skill level.
    The Gathering Area has an instructor who can teach you Mining, Wood Cutting and Gathering ad raise your skill level.
  • Varanas Central Plaza
    In the Varanas Central Plaza is where you will find the Varanas Bank as well as the Auction House.
  • Varanas Administration
    Vanranas Administration Includes two areas: the Guilds hall and the Classes hall.
    The Guilds hall allows you to create guilds, change the guild flag, and view important information about the various guilds on the server.
    The class hall allows you choose your second class at level 10, get your first elites, and view some various lists showing the list of people who have done various achievements and have made themselves the best in certain categories.

Aslan Valley
Aslan Valley is a glen filled with an atmosphere of primitive times. There are plenty of resources available like water and wood, but the humans settling on this continent disregard their value. For this reason alone the area still retains its original appearance and was not destroyed by human greed.
According to tribes, who value the forces of nature, it is a place of ancient and immense power. Every civilization, who dares not to submit itself to nature’s will, risks total annihilation.

  • The Woodland of Qilana
    The Woodland of Qilana connects the Aslan Valley to the Plain of Silverspring and consists of a wide-stretched lake and a picturesque strip of forest where many animals find shelter.
    The name “Qilana” originally refers to a drinking vessel used in shaman’s blessings and was adopted by the barbarians living here.
  • The Qilana Camp
    The Woodland of Qilana connects the Aslan Valley to the Plain of Silverspring and consists of a wide-stretched lake and a picturesque strip of forest where many animals find shelter. The name “Qilana” originally refers to a drinking vessel used in shaman’s blessings and was adopted by the barbarians living here.
  • Derelict Mine
    The Derelict Mine was the first place the non-native humans of the Aslan Valley wanted to develop. First and foremost they hoped to find new deposits of ore, but they soon discovered that there simply were none – not even a trace of ore was found. Before long the Mine was abandoned. Because the Aslan Valley was not considered a worthy place for a settlement, those who wanted to search for ore returned, and the whole area up to the Bloodhound Mountain was thoroughly searched.
    Now the whole mine is overrun with weeds, inside and out. All mining tools, that were left behind are now completely rusted. The mine attracted lots of rare plants that like the humid and dark environment. Now it has become the home for hill dwarves and spotted mushroom beings.
  • Silverfall (Sf)
    The village gets its name from the shimmering silver-white waterfall in its proximity. Silverfall was once a barbarian settlement, but with the expansion of the main road it evolved into a magnificent village. The barbarians who lived there were integrated into society, however some traces of their cultural heritage have stood the test of time and even real shamans still exist.
    Now Silverfall is a simple hunter’s village, where tools for that craft can be found everywhere. Its main source of income is the hunt and the sale of necessities to passing adventurers. Every so often some visitors also come through here.
  • Bloodhound Mountain
    Since the wildfire of some years ago an emerald green forest has sprung up along the Bloodhound Mountain, which is different from the rest of the Aslan Valley. Here the trees grow relatively low and there are a lot of bushes. In many places even the hard and dry soil can bee seen.
    Even though the Bloodhound Mountain is goblin territory, according to barbarian legends it is a holy hill. They believe that a mighty spirit by the name of “Guard dog of the holy halls” watches over a sacred passageway. Settlers that arrived in later ages perverted the “Guard dog of the holy halls” into the “holy bloodhound”. For that simple reason newcomers think that a terrifying monster in dog guise haunts the hill and they call it Bloodhound Mountain accordingly.
  • Hunter's Encampment
    To have a resting place on the hunt, a field encampment was established which only consists of a campfire and some tents. Like the name suggests it is mostly used by hunters.
  • The Goblin Village
    Originally this place was a human mining compound, but they were later frightened away by goblins. The little creatures intended to transform it into one of their centers. It was there, where under the guidance of King Kyrm Hammertooth, they established the Hammertooth Empire. Even though the compound is called “Royal Stronghold”, the goblins residing there can’t agree with the term. The village is a small cluster of huts protected only by a simple, wooden palisade. Now a peculiar large machine stands in the middle of the village relentlessly making noise day and night. Nobody knows exactly what it is, or what the goblins intend to do with it.
  • The Rumpus Mine
    The Rumpus Mine has a remarkable history of development. The goblin cave which was situated on this patch of land now known as the Goblin’s Village, was overrun by agile adventurers. They enslaved the goblins and found a rich deposit of ore, which they sought to exploit. For several reasons the human’s leaders decided to stop further development.
    After that one of the goblin slaves by the name of Kyrm Hammertooth united his people and incited a revolt. They drove away the humans from the compound and founded a village. Later on he used the digging and forging skills he had learned from his former masters to produce weapons and tools. The mine was to become the center of a new goblin empire, called the Hammertooth Empire. But it is just a harmonious name. The goblins quarrel with each other on a daily basis and everybody behaves according to his own will. Not even half of the goblins of the Bloodhound Mountain and of the Rumpus Mine know that they have something akin to a realm of their own. Of those who do know it, few have ever heard of a King named Kyrm Hammertooth.
    That is why brave adventurers can venture into the Rumpus Mine without hesitation, generally speaking, either to mine for themselves or to steal the ore from the goblins. Disunited as they are, they have no chance to resist. Those adventurers ridicule the goblins as tumultuous monstrosities and jokingly refer to the Mine as Rumpus Mine. But even in the face of human aggression and the impotence of his clan, the courage of Kyrm Hammertooth does not wane. On a secret journey he changed, but even though he told no one about it, other goblins have started to feel different lately as well. They are becoming more vigorous in battle and more dangerous. Silverfall’s shamans think that mysterious powers in the Rumpus Mine are at work. In the future humankind will have to admit, that the noisy goblins from the darkness are formidable foes that should be feared.
  • Lake of Eternal Silence
    The Lake of Eternal Silence is much-vaunted as one of the three most beautiful landscapes in all of Aslan Valley. It is completely surrounded by deep forests and no motion hampers its plane flawless surface once the water has flown into it. Like a vast mirror it dominates the scenery and due to the composition of its bottom no waves can be seen.
    The reason behind the Silverfall village being built on the shores of the Lake of Eternal Silence has something to do with the water of its spring. Silverfall was once a barbarian settlement and the spring water was called “soul spring” in their language. The shamans believe that it is a medium for the mountain spirit’s powers, and indeed the Lake of Eternal Silence is a mysterious place.
  • New Moon Forest
    This is a region of the Aslan Valley, where it is getting colder and beasts and monsters are becoming more numerous. You have to pass through this forest on your way to the Highland of Ystra; it is an important hunting ground which is often crossed by adventurers. While many people waited for the completion of the tavern “The Distillery”, it swiftly evolved into an important meeting point for this area.
  • New Moon Camp
    In the New Moon Forest there is a camp ground situated in-between Silverfall, The Distillery and the Necropolis of Mirrors. For all travelers heading towards The Distillery and all adventurers on their way to the Necropolis of Mirrors, the New Moon Camp is an important venue for rest and supplies.
  • The Distillery
    Some people think that there are three things to visit in the Aslan Valley – The wood sea in the Jade Valley, the Lake of Eternal Silence’s Silverfall and The Distillery in the New Moon Forest. But what kind of place is The Distillery?
    Take a building created by human hands and mix it with unfathomable nature and a pinch of adventurous spirit. In the tavern “The Distillery” you can experience all of the following: wild binge drinking, mugs full of alcohol, opulent meals, fair bards, noisy guests, heated chambers, all kinds of wild rumors and wavering drunkards. In one corner they start to fight, while they argue so loudly in the next corner about an alleged theft, that you can not have a normal discussion.
    The black market trader at the corner table sells “lost” goods, while beefy adventurers still tend to their weapons. The Distillery has a sense of danger inside and out. People have a feeling of anticipation and excitement. Is that not the meaning of “adventure”?
  • Necropolis of Mirrors (NoM, Necro)
    The Necropolis of Mirrors is very old, but was discovered only recently. Seemingly a curse haunts the place though. Everybody who comes to close will be struck with disaster. At the moment, the Eye of Wisdom is not sure if investigating it is the right thing to do. Some of its members think that it might be a site, where ancient magic was sealed and careless rummage would cause great harm.
    On the Necropolis of Mirrors’ stone walls, crystals glisten and reflect every picture like mirrors. But since there is no life to be found anywhere nearby, it became known as the Necropolis of Mirrors. The caves in its center are most likely of natural origin, but there is an artificial atmosphere and rumors swirl around that many a visitor went insane and died down there.
  • The Jade Valley
    Thousands of years ago a meteorite fell down from the sky changing the soil in this area. The plants can reach tremendous proportions and are the reason behind the Jade Valley’s name. Because humans still have no idea of space, they worship this holy place and conceive the plants as a manifestation of divine and inexhaustible vital energy. The Jade Valley is the crater of a meteorite which formed a basin in the middle of the mountains. From the air you can sense the dense green which surrounds this place with interwoven briarwood in its center, which is called the Deep Corridor.
  • The Deep Corridor (DC)
    In the middle of the Jade valley grows an old Banyan tree right on the spot where the meteorite impacted. It was exposed to the full extent of the cosmic power, and became unbelievably majestic, with giant aerial roots clawing into the ground. Most people don’t even realize that the forest in front of them is one single tree, which is mistakenly referred to as a forest and also called the Deep Corridor.
    Basically the Deep Corridor is a green tunnel, where a leaf ceiling covers the whole sky. Only some rays of light make it through to illuminate the foliage-covered ground. All this green can be quite surreal, especially when the foliage whispers, it fills the whole area is with a mysterious atmosphere.
  • The Origin (Origi, Ori)
    The more you advance into the Deep Corridor, the bigger everything becomes. For that reason it is said to be a holy tree, which has existed since the world’s beginning. Even more mysterious though is the cavern beneath it. It looks as if the tree’s roots keep an underground space clear. In the great cave some things can be found, which are apparently not of natural origin. Inferring from the roots growth the cave must have been there even before the Holy Tree, which is why it is called the “Origin”. Actually the cave was created by ancient mythical beings and in it the “Holy Truth” was stored.
    Later on all the knowledge was lost with the disappearance of the mythical beings. What kind of relation does that knowledge have with the oracle? Is it the oracle itself? Nobody knows for sure.

Ystra Highlands (Ystra)
The Ystra-Highland is full of adventure and mysteries. It received its name “Ystra” from the Minotaurs who live in this area. Besides the bitter cold climate, it is these furious and belligerent creatures and the Ice Fairies with their cruel elegance that impress visitors the most. To defend against both races and to safeguard the free and secure passage on Khazor’s Mountain Road, the Order of the Dark Glory positioned a formidable army here. Even though magical teleportation has dampened the importance of this place for transit, the number of people who travel through here has not diminished. In part this can be explained by the many legends and myths entwined within this region with its enormous skeletons on the Sea of Snow, the ancient texts from the Tower of Wailing Winds, the secret treasures of the Cyclops and many other arcane mysteries.
There are many different motives which cause people to be drawn to this place. But the legend that attracts adventures more then any other originates from the Minotaurs and refers to the “Boundless Soul” which is the core of the Minotaurs’ faith. Some think the story is rooted in their revered messengers of God. Others believe it is a hint to a treasure of immense magical power. Another group thinks that the whole story is born out of imagination and delusions and is nothing more then a mere fairy tale. Regardless of whether or not it is just a rumour or speculation – everything indicates an unsolved mystery. And according to the legend, the answer to that mystery is buried in the Minotaur’s altar. A famous adventurer once went to investigate this secret, but he was eventually found almost dead in the Sea of Snow muttering the following words in his last breath: “The mystery of the Ystra-Highland will reveal a surprising fact that will alter the reality of this world…”

  • Khazor's Mountain Road
    The Road was built in conjunction with the Order of the Dark Glory’s advances into the Ystra-Highland. It is named after the nobleman Khazor, who accidentally lost his life during its construction. Now a memorial plaque reminds travelers of the tragedy. The Mountain Road is segmented into three parts. The first part leads through a steep and narrow pass from the Aslan Valley into the Ystra-Highland. The second part runs parallel to the edge of the forest, where defense fortifications have been built to counter assaults on the road by Ystra’s monsters. The third part leads directly to the Dust Devil Canyon. It already existed beforehand and all the Order of the Dark Glory did, was to make some adjustments to improve the traffic flow.
  • Khazor's Watchtower
    This defense work was erected by the Order of the Dark Glory serves as a lookout. It is the center of the Khazor’s Mountain Road’s defenses. Its main purpose is to watch over the Minotaur tribes’ activities at Snowhorn and to act accordingly in a timely manner.
  • Harf Trading Post (HTP)
    The name originates from the first word the first post director deployed there spoke after it had been built – well, it seems he just had to sneeze due to the cold. The Harf Trading Post is supposed to maintain the transport route through the Ystra-Highland for the Order of the Dark Glory. For that reason a camp was established first, which in time evolved to a small town. But is not only a resting place for traveling merchants. Because of its close proximity to the homeland of the unique Minotaur culture in the Ystra-Highland a lot of adventurers are drawn to this place. Some are lured by artifacts, which were left behind ages ago, while others are trying to solve the mysteries of the Ice Fairies and dragon skeletons from the Sea of Snow.
  • Khalara Watchtower
    An observation post has been added to the defenses in the middle of the connecting road between the Harf Trading Post and the Dust Devil Canyon. Because enemies like Minotaurs and Ice Fairies generally don’t come near this area, the fortification is comparably low in relation to Khazor’s Watchtower.
  • Sea of Snow (SoS)
    The Sea of Snow draws its name from the bitter cold snow covering everything. Nobody knows what lies beneath it or even how far it is to the ground. When the mountain pass from the Harf Trading Post reaches the Plateau, one catches the sight of a gruesome landscape. For eons towering skeletons have been a part of this environment, which according to the legend are bones of giant dragons from mystical prehistory. Some believe that these are mere stones that only look like bones. Others proclaim them to be demon bones from the “World of the void”. For those who know all the stories, the skeletons radiate an especially mysterious aura. The region actually has a reputation of being absolutely unfit for any kind of human activity. This reputation stems not only from the climatic conditions, but also from the fact that nearby lies Winter Night Valley, where Ice Fairies appear all too frequently waiting to rob the souls of reckless intruders. Cyclopes also roam the area looking for something to eat. But since artifacts from ancient cultures were discovered in the nearby Tower of Wailing Winds, people have begun to wonder if the Sea of Snow had always been such a hostile place or if humans had once lived there.
  • Sea of Snow Camp
    In the center of the vast Sea of Snow an important encampment can be found. Some scientists and magicians have begun to explore the mighty skeletons in its proximity.
  • Winternight Valley (Wnight)
    The valley is situated on the most remote end of the Sea of Snow. It is narrow with steep walls towering on both sides. The walls are covered completely by frost and the path leading into the valley is also covered by thick ice and snow drifts, so much so that the earth underneath cannot be seen. If one would remove all the snow though, a frozen river would be uncovered. Immense boulders of ice and snow drifts block the way, while the walls only permit one to see the sky high above. In the whole valley not a single plant can be found. No life can exist here except the fairy creatures made out of ice. They wander about looking for intruders to rob their souls.
  • Winternight Valley Camp
    It is a simple camp, housing only a few explorers and magicians that investigate the ancient objects in the Tower of Wailing Winds and the frozen life in the Valley of Winter Night. They depend heavily on regular supplies from the Harf Trading Post, without these they could not survive.
  • Foxtrack Cave
    The Foxtrack Cave is a bitter cold cavern full of snow drifts. Normally this is sheer impossibility, but they exist nonetheless filling the cave with a mysterious atmosphere. The cave was given its name, because an adventurer once found a foxes footprints in it. As he followed the tracks into the cave, he met an outstanding fox, which he described as follows: “With a woven silver-white coat and eyes sparkling like a clear crystal he was surrounded by a mist of ice and snow.” The adventurer was found eventually in the Sea of Snow claiming he had brought along the foxes coat as proof. The only thing in his frozen hands though was a small layer of hoarfrost. Some say that this fox is also mentioned in the Barbarian Snowfox legend.
  • The Frozen City
    At the far end of the Winter Night Valley stands a castle made of thick ice. The city of ice was created through both nature and human work, and displays a magnificent but also intimidating beauty. This place is the “Frozen City”, the residence of the Ice Queen. Some say that the Ice Queen guards some great power here. Others say that the queen herself is this very power. But nobody has returned from the innermost part of the Frozen City alive. The only thing one can be sure of is that the “Boundless Soul” from the Minotaur legends is on the summit of this mountain and that the only way to this summit is through the Frozen City.
  • Tower of Wailing Wind (ToWW)
    The Tower of Wailing Winds is a huge rock which rises out of the stone wall. The core of the rock is hollow and in the outer wall are many openings. Whenever the wind blows through these holes it creates an eerie howling noise, hence the name. Both at the summit and base are caves which are connected by a tunnel in the side of the mountain.
    At first, people thought that these caves had a natural origin, but some courageous adventurers who dared to sneak inside found ancient stone tablets and vessels. The news of this discovery lured many scholars to the Harf Trading Post. Now they are hiring mercenaries to explore this place full of monsters and to obtain more artifacts. But the mystery of who left these things behind and why they are still here is yet to be solved.
  • Frostwood Valley
    After stepping out of the connecting tunnel and turning east along Khazor's Mountain Road, a snow covered forest comes into sight. This forest is located in a relatively low-lying area which is called Frostwood Valley.
    The Valley is mainly an important hunting ground and agricultural area in the Ystra highlands. Many tribes come here to hunt and the Barbarians, Cyclopes, Minotaurs and other monsters often ambush humans and their caravans.
    Since the Order of Dark Glory built defenses along Khazor's Mountain Road, these incidents have slowly been reduced, but there are still many adventurers who enter the woods for curiosity’s sake.
  • Snowhorn
    The area South of Frostwood Valley is surrounded by high mountains, but not exposed to the cold winds blowing down from the mountain peaks. It is a relatively warm area and this is the home of the Minotaurs. They have dwelt here since time immemorial and even though the inscriptions in the stone walls might look crude to humans, they do proudly tell the history and culture of the Minotaurs.
    The Minotaurs are a race of giant humanoids that live off hunting and some agriculture. But even though they possess a highly developed culture, scholars presume that the civilization of the Minotaurs can be traced back nearly to the time of the ancient civilization. That makes it older than the civilization of most of the Barbarian tribes, and this is the reason that there is this spectacular cave city.
    The cultures of the Minotaurs and the ordinary Barbarian tribes are quite similar. These societies are governed by tribal chiefs and priests. They admire courage and fighting power, and unlike humans are not able to use runes. But there are also differences between the Minotaurs and the Barbarians. In their legends they often refer to “men with power” and “sons of the creator” and apply these names to statues and wall paintings. Since these depictions have characteristics that humans would attribute to demons, the Minotaurs are believed to worship demons.
    Many people also believe that since the Minotaurs have lived such a long time on the Ystra Highland, the key to many of the riddles in the legends of Ystra lies with them.
  • Mystic Altar (MA)
    The Mystic Altar is situated on the summit of Snowhorn which is the center of religion and thought for the Minotaurs. Inside are carvings which apparently look similar to demons. But in fact this is about the history of the creation of the Minotaurs. Some adventurers managed to sneak inside and understood this as a sign for demon worship, and so the rumor spread that the Minotaurs are an evil race which has degenerated into demon worship.
    It can be said that the Mystic Altar is the essence of the Minotaur culture. The Minotaurs are very proud of their culture and say that the altar is a holy place which outsiders are not allowed to enter under any circumstances. So they guard it extraordinarily fiercely.
    But all the rumors about the Minotaurs do somehow mention it: “And now this-and-that item lies hidden in the Mystic Altar and is guarded closely by the dark warriors”. So many adventurers have already died in the Mystic Altar, trying to uncover the secrets of these legends.
  • Stargate
    Sun Cave, Moon Cavern and Star Gate are three Caves located in areas known for their harsh climate. The Star Gate is one of them; which is basically just an ordinary cave.

Dust Devil Canyon (DDC)
The Canyon is split into an upper and lower half by the river Ikaoils, which in the old language means “snake path”. The hawk totem worshiping settlement “Tempest Height” has lived here for a very long time. This area is known for its presence of the “Might of Wind”.
A highly evolved nation lived here during the time of the old Realms. The ruler of this nation was obsessed in further advancing the use of the rune stones. With their abilities they used the ample available mystical power of the wind.

  • Obsidian Stronghold (Obsi)
    About 40 years ago a trading company for steel erected their outpost in the Dust Devil Canyon. At the beginning this outpost was only a small settlement to ensure room for the ore prospectors and mercenaries which protected the caravans. Later they built defensive fortifications all around the settlement due to their encounters with “Tempest Height”. In succession to a glorious victory over the warriors of “Tempest Height” and their banishment from this side of the Valley, their leader erected a real city wall in remembrance to this victory.
    Using this basis they extended their Stronghold step by step. Since the company had to fight back barbarians, protect the streets and outposts in the Ystra-Highlands, they began to train excellent mercenaries.
  • The Big Dig
    Also known as the Great Mine.
    Near the “Obsidian Stronghold” one can find a mine which was created by humans. At first the surface was rich with ore deposits, which lead later to the digging of the “Great Tunnel”, the “South-west Tunnel” and the southern “Slanting Tunnel”. Rich ore deposits can still be found, although it may be difficult to get to since lizards and spiders have now made these tunnels their new home.
  • Kal Turok Hive (Kal, Queen)
    When the accident at the “Tower of the Seal” took place, the surface of Dust Devil Canyon transformed and many buildings were buried beneath the earth. When this happened many creatures died that still lived in the demon dwellings, only a few monsters with inorganic structures survived. Except for one other group, these were the creatures called “Human Ants”.
    The “Order of the Dark Glory” felt that these Ant People were monsters which only represented danger for the mine. This feeling counted especially toward the Ant soldiers who came to the surface in their search for food and to hunt edible living beings. They saw humans as potential food and were therefore extremely dangerous.
  • Red Valley & Mesa of the Fallen
    The name “Mesa of the Fallen” originates in the conflict between “Tempest Height” and the “Order” and the many battles they had here. Since great heroes fought on both sides, the plateau is also called “Battleground of Heroes“.
    The name “Red Valley” came to be through the iron ore within the rocks, which slowly rusted and therefore started to dye the walls red. Another story goes back to the time of the encounters between Tempest Height and the Order. Both sides did not wish to retreat and instead slaughtered each other without mercy, which covered the entire valley in blood.
  • Karzak Camp
    Karzak Camp lies at the entrance to Hawk's Cliff. Back then the population of Tempest Height used this for their sacrifices. Two years ago a few unarmed barbarians were slain by a brigade of the Order of the Dark Glory, which caused uproar within Tempest Heights.
    But the chief of the time, Chailik, did not wish to wage open war against the Obsidian Stronghold. Due to this decision disputes erupted and the first warrior of the clan took a bunch of people to the tent of their chief, demanding from him to lead them to battle.
  • Tempest Height (TH)
    The settlement of Tempest Height consists of a Clan of barbarians, who worship the falcon totem. They believe that they inherited the power of the wind elementals and for this reason they feel responsible to help the ghosts that guard the hidden secrets here. They have been living here since the destruction of the Old Realms, far away from the rest of the world.
    The culture of Tempest Height is an independent civilization with a long history. According to historical records, the tribal territory was expanded throughout the Qilar Highlands nearly up to the mountain fortress of Snowhorn.
  • Hawk's Cliff
    Hawk's Cliff is unbelievably high. If one looks upward to the top of Hawk's Cliff, it would seem that the only way to reach the top is to fly like a bird, hence the name Hawk's Cliff. This is also a common resting place of the Harpy.
    The inhabitants of Tempest Height believe it to be a place of great importance. The local tribe worships the Hawk Totem and they believe the Harpies are people of the wind soul.
  • Kalin's Shrine (KS)
    During ancient times, the Kalin Shrine was one of the seal towers. Even at that time it was regarded as an ancient relic, which was believed to help prevent the demons from spying. The humans then secretly began to build this seal tower underground.
    In the legends of Tempest Height this place was described as the sunken palace, and was said to be where the “Sea Kings” dwell. When people go fishing here, it is common practice to kneel down and pray in the direction of the shrine to ask the Sea King to give them food and grant them passage to the lake.

Sascillia Steppes

  • Khant
    Khant once was a human settlement, which was abandoned by its inhabitants. After that, Pasper, the powerful chief of the Capra, enacted a ban on entering the region. For this reason, the abandoned place was shrouded in mystery.
    After some time, rumors started to circulate and the people mystifyingly called Khant the “Shrine of the Capra”. The clan elders gladly picked up on that name and, together with the chief, came to a decision. Khant was appointed to be the eternal resting place for the fallen heroes and thus became one of their most sacred places.
    One of the rumors existing about the "Shrine of the Capra" says that the escape of the humans from this place is connected to a treasure with immense powers. Although Pasper Silvermane was entrusted with the treasure, it should still be in Khant. Those who believe this story suspect that Pasper and the elders only canonized the place to conceal the whereabouts of the treasure.
    But not all secrets stay in the dark and this rumor is actually speaking the truth. It is going back to the days when the tragic yoke of slavery by the daemons was discarded and the legendary hero Pasper Silvermane became the first chief of the goat-clan. He was afraid that during all the bloodshed some Capra would strive for magical powers. Their excessive desire for this power seemed to poison them and was turning them against their original nature. So he banned his followers from touching the “plagues” the humans had left behind.
    Years went by and the animal-people obeyed the ancient law. But when Hafiz, another hero of the Capra, suffered heavy losses in the long-standing war against the cyclopes, he thirsted for greater powers. He was bewitched and was leading his loyal followers into revolt. In doing so, he captured the shrine of the Capra and succeeded in seizing the magical objects of the humans. At that time, Hafiz' naturally snow-white fur turned jet-black. From then on, Hafiz and his followers were called Black Horns by the escaped chief Yarfas and the elders and they were regarded as a disgrace for the tribe.
  • The Ayren-Caravan
    The Ayren-Caravan has the best and strongest warriors amongst all the white-fur caravans. That is because unlike the other caravans, they have a specific task. They have to ensure that Hafiz "Black Horn" doesn't overrun Sascilia and enslave the white-furs to satisfy his wild ambitions. Ayren, the caravan leader and hero of the white-fur clan, once was a good friend of Hazif “Black Horn”. While he was fighting against the cyclopes together with Hafiz, he obtained the title of “Ironhoof”. Later, during the revolt of Hafiz, he was decidedly sticking by Yarfas “Silvermane”, the chief of the white-furs. As leader of the other party, Hafiz got the title of "Black Horn". But Ayren was always entertaining some doubt about Hafiz’ change of heart. Why should Hafiz revolt? The Hafiz he once knew would never betray his people. Amongst the followers of Ayren Ironhoof were two human mercenaries, Landon and Fandon, who were only called "hero twins” by the animal-people. Besides Ayren Ironhoof, they are the strongest warriors of the caravan. Initially the two humans were introduced as mercenaries to Ayren by the Order of Dark Glory. They helped Ayren in his fight against the cyclopses. After the decisive fight between Harfiz and Ayren, they decided to follow Ayren and fight against Hafiz' machinations. How they acquired the name of "hero twins" is a different story that still has to be told.
  • Reifort Camp
    The Yazmin-Caravan of the white-fur clan has settled in Reifort Camp. Since the cyclopses have taken the city of Dogamor by force, the white-furs have relocated to the north and are now roaming through the grasslands of the Sascilia-Steppes as caravans. They once were able to recapture their city of Dogamor thanks to the intervention of the Order of Dark Glory. But the repelled cyclopes also obtained the help of a third party - the Zurhidon. During the following battles, the cyclopes were able to break through the Order’s defenses and were able to conquer Dogamor again. The members of the Yazmin-Caravan are marked by the horrors of the cyclops attacks on Dogamor. The heartfelt disgrace and sorrow about the loss of their home runs deep in the hearts of the Capra. Their souls demand revenge for the shame that has been inflicted upon them. Because of that, Yazmin, the leader of the caravan, contacted the Order of Dark Glory again. They not only sent reinforcements to protect the caravan, but also established a checkpoint south of Reifort Camp. There are high hopes that this will put an end to the cyclops attacks.
  • Fogur Marsh
    The Fogur Marsh is an area with a multitude of lakes. It is tormented by goblins that sneaked in there a few years ago. Nobody knows how the infestation of the area exactly happened. Some people claim they are survivors of the great expulsion the Eye of Wisdom carried out in the Wailing Mountains ten years ago. The true causes for the presence of this plague so far remain elusive. The scholars of the Eye of Wisdom are already investigating the rumors. It is their goal to unearth the truth about these goblins. Besides these bustling creatures, a valuable plant exists in the Fogur Marsh - the Fogur-Fern. The fern is essential for survival of the white-furs and important merchandise in trades with the resident humans. Because of that the Rose-Caravan has positioned themselves close to the marshes and is always having skirmishes with the resident goblins, while harvesting the Fogur-Fern.
  • The Gurla-Caravan
    Contrary to the Rose-Caravan, whose members are taking high risks while harvesting the Fogur-Fern, the Gurla-Caravan limits itself to harvesting and transporting common foodstuff. Though the actual caravan only consists of its leader Gurla and her devoted follower Jaxis. Originally, the camp of the Gurla-Caravan was one of the most important trading posts of the Sascilia Steppes. It formed a large community of merchants and enjoyed exclusive trade relations with the clan of the white-furs, bringing everybody large wealth. After those trade relations were established and strengthened, a steady flow of hunters and adventurers followed. They hoped to gain advantages and more profit because of the close proximity of such an important trading post. Most of the hunters specialized themselves on the provision of the steadily rising number of merchants. Thus the increase of merchants led to the almost complete extermination of all animals close to the Gurla-Caravan camp. Suddenly a pack of giant wolves appeared, always attacking the adventurers when they were out hunting. When the clan of the white-furs learned about that, they sought Gurla out and told her the following legend of the Sascilian people: “If life doesn’t disappear on its own free will, guardians will appear to save the dwindling life …” They cautioned Gurla against the wolves, because they thought that they were the guardians the legend was speaking about. Gurla believed them and gave the order not to hunt and trade animals any longer. But the members of the caravan were greedy and left the camp to pursue their business without interference from Gurla and the wolves. Only Gurla herself and the faithful Jaxis stayed behind. Only very rarely do other adventurers visit the Gurla-Caravan. They are mostly guys of considerable strength. They are seeking the challenge and want to match themselves with “Wild Mane”, the leader of the giant wolves.
  • Sathkur Ruins
    Originally this was also a place where humans had settled. The goat-people named it Sathkur, after a Capra bandit king. He had used the former human settlement as a hide-out. Sathkur never attacked members of his own tribe and because of that he never fought against Pasper “Silvermane”. After the death of Sathkur, nobody was appointed as his successor and all the treasures he looted during his lifetime disappeared without a trace. Without a leader, the gangs of thieves of the Capra began to fight amongst themselves and Sathkur again turned into ruins. They say that the lost treasure of Sathkur is still hidden somewhere in the ruins of the city. Even today, shady villains are meeting there - still searching for Sathkur's lost treasure.
  • Scar of Despair
    The legendary hero Pasper “Silvermane” was killed here, after holding out against the cyclopses for ten days and nights. Although he successfully beat the cyclopses back, he eventually was shattered and killed in the battle. Not long after the revolt of Hafiz “Black Horn” the hopes of the Capra to regain Damas were shattered and therefore this place was called "Scar of Despair".
  • Dogamor
    Dogamor originally was the capital of the goat-clan of Capra. But they were driven away by the attacks of the cyclopses and scattered all over the Sascilia-Steppes. Although they succeeded together with the neighboring Order of Dark Glory in expelling the cyclopses from Dogamor, the city was almost completely destroyed in the battles. While the goat-people were gathering money and resources to rebuild their hometown, the cyclopses attacked Dogamor again. This time the attack also surprised the troops of the Order of Dark Glory. The cyclopses arrived in the middle of the night together with many large war machines. The Order wasn’t able to stop this attack and their troops were beaten back to their base in Dragonfang Ridge.
  • The Order of Dark Glory
    Although the prevailing view seems to be that the recapture of Dogamor should be abandoned, The Order of Dark Glory knows that Dogamor belongs to a series of important bases connecting Sascilia with Dragonfang Ridge. Without this protective barrier, the cyclopes would try to expand and pose a threat to the Obsidian Stronghold. For this reason, the Order of Dark Glory at that time agreed to ally with the goat-clan and to help them to recapture Dogamor. When the Order of Dark Glory was still inebriated by the victory, the Zurhidon invaded the Sascilia-Steppes and constructed a magic teleport circle there. They used the magic circle to teleport the Cyclops and their war machines from the Cyclops fortress to Dogamor. Dogamor again fell into the hands of the Cyclops. The Order of Dark Glory soon noticed that the Zurhidon were supporting the cyclopses. Once they found out that the Zurhidon were the supporting power behind the cyclops attack on Sascilia, the Order of Dark Glory proceeded against the Zurhidon with a vengeance and dispatched a squad of elite mercenaries to stop them and destroy the magic circle.
  • Ashlar Camp
    Ashlar is a newly built camp belonging to the Order of Dark Glory. The primary objective of the camp is to supply Dragonfang Ridge with resources for the warriors of the Order who were cut off there by the cyclopes. Since the garrison is not very large, they have no chance to get past the cyclopses and Zurhidon of Dogamor and, because of that, they have been trapped there for quite a long time already.
  • Mispel Marsh
    Fish-people are living in this place. It is a swamp full of vibrant colors and reed flowers. Besides the fish-people, only a few brigands are living here. Rumor has it, that they are trying to recover a magic slab that has remained here from the time of the Ancient Kingdoms.
  • Pasper's Shrine (PS)
    Pasper's Shrine is located in Khant. It is a shrine and holy place for the Capra. They say that the souls of all heroes who have sacrificed themselves for the goat-clan gather here after death. But since Hafiz has seized the place, it has completely changed. The altar is still emanating its original dignity and greatness, but the magical powers that prevail here are noticeably saturating the place with corrupted power. From time to time, a magic circle appears on the ground. It looks as if it is drawn with fresh blood and it envelops the whole altar in an evil atmosphere.
    Constant battles almost completely destroyed Dogamor. Additionally, the revolts of Hafiz “Black Horn” happened and since then the Capra are living as vagabond merchants and stock-breeders.

Draonfang Ridge (Dragonfang)

  • Cyclops Stronghold (CyclopS)
    Once founded as the Cyclops capital, the Cyclops stronghold was attacked and partly destroyed by the Capra from the Sascilia Steppes a few decades ago. Because of that, the size of the Cyclops Stronghold shrank to a small part of the northwestern summit.
    After humans started to build settlements close to the stronghold, the Cyclops king succeeded in unifying the tribes and the Cyclops area spread to its current size. To this day the Cyclops are using some of the captured human settlements southwest of the stronghold as breeding farms.
  • Sergarth Outpost (SO)
    The Sergarth Outpost is one of the outposts commanded by Bors Ironwall, where the humans were able to block the Cyclops from advancing into the valley. But since the Cyclops were able to advance to Dogamor in the Sascilia Steppes and the Ice Dwarfs are attacking the villages, the contact between Dragonfang Ridge and Winternight Valley was interrupted.
    Reinforcements are being held up and one of Bors Ironwalls patrols has lost an important message while they were being attacked. To stop his soldiers from wasting any more valuable resources, Bors Ironwall has begun to let adventurers conduct small military activities, to rebuild the wavering morale of his soldiers.
  • Lyk
    Located at the shores of a lake, Lyk is one of the outposts of Bors Ironwall. Because the outpost can't procure many resources from outside, it has to largely supply itself. This is quite difficult, because Cyclops and Ice Dwarfs are advancing in Dragonfang Ridge, where resources are already scarce. So the acquisition and the fight for resources are dominating the everyday life of the people living here.
  • Ruins of the Great Gate
    Dragonfang Ridge is full of large ruins. The most well-preserved of those ruins is an enormous gate, but today nobody knows the purpose of that enormous stone gate anymore.
  • Mithur Ruins
    Due to its proximity to the Cyclops Stronghold, this place was destroyed by an attack 30 years ago. According to reports by survivors, Mithur was founded by a powerful mage for his experiments. All the city's inhabitants were mages of his research group. But the mage vanished without a trace during the attack and the researchers that were left behind knew only, that their research was somehow connected to the Rune Throne and the Ruins of the Great Gate.
  • Rune Throne
    This relic got the unusual name of “Rune Throne” from its remarkable circular shape and the centrally aligned flagstones.
    Because huge guardians are wandering around, many people think this throne hides an ancient secret.
    There is one rune circle at the Rune Throne, the Ruins of Mithur and the Ruins of the Great Gate respectively. These rune circles are essential to open the Large Gate. The mage of Mithur who was studying them at that time, said that opening the gate would bring great dangers and he used powerful magic to seal the rune circles.
    When the Cyclops were attacking Mithur, they came here together with the Zurhidon to remove the seals. The removal of the seals led to the awakening of the Ruins Guardians, who in return decimated the intruders. Since that time, the Cyclops never ventured back here.
  • Marl Outpost & Refugee Camp
    Not long after the Cyclops attacks reached Dogamor, the guards of Marl were assigned to the defense of the Zigas Outpost. Just during this period, the weakened settlement on Dragonfang Hill was attacked and destroyed. The refugees from Marl gathered in the surrounding camps and talked among themselves about dreadful monsters. The destruction of Marl spread fear and terror amongst the locals.
  • Dragonfang Hills
    The main communication road between the Kadmos Outpost and Lyk once led through the Dragonfang Hills, but this route was disrupted by attacks of the Ice Dwarfs. Two human settlements located near broken ancient ruins were destroyed during the attacks.
    At the moment, only few adventurers are able to travel through this area. Because of that, the displaced residents can frequently be found asking the adventurers to search for goods in the destroyed settlements or to deliver messages to the people of the Kadmos Outpost.
  • Ice Dwarf Valley
    The Ice Dwarves once lived deep inside the valleys and caves of Dragonfang Ridge, where they mined for valuable ores. Hidden in the dark corridors of their mines, they had hardly any contact to the outside world and the humans didn't even know they existed. But a short while ago, the Dwarven King gave out the order to expand the search for resources and ore to the surrounding mountains. The first victims of these forays were the human settlements on the Dragonfang Hills.
    After attacking these settlements, they met the Marl guards, whose strength they couldn’t determine. So the Dwarfs retreated and constructed fortifications in the nearest valley of Dragonfang Ridge. Because of this, all contacts between Kadmos Trading Post and the other settlements were disrupted.
    In the North the Ice Dwarfs met the Gnolls of the Dragonfang Ice Plain, who were blocking their way. Even after some heavy fighting, the dwarfs couldn't find a way to break through the blockade.
    Surrounded by humans and Gnolls, the Dwarven King had to realize that his plans were thwarted for the time being. In his rage, he tyrannized his own people and incited them to ever more violent attacks against the human settlements and errant adventurers.
  • Snow Mountain Logging Area
    Snow Mountain was occupied following an attack of the Ice Dwarfs. Quite recently the humans of Kadmos Trading Post have recaptured the local felling, but came to regret it very quickly. The reasons for the weak resistance of the dwarfs were the Gnolls. They had pressed the Ice Dwarfs hard with their attacks and now started to plunder the human villages.
  • Dragonfang Ice Plain
    This enormous ice field is full of valuable resources. However the wild Gnolls are attacking everything that moves in this area from their caves on the northern boundary. On top of that, fierce winds are blowing in this region, so nobody wants to live here. Just a few hunters and lumberjacks dare to go into the ice field as far as it is safe. Recently the Gnolls are intensifying their efforts to bring the area under their control. Because of this, traveling through the ice field is a very dangerous endeavor.
  • Awerka & Fiergen Tundra
    There once lived humans in the ice field, who wanted to conduct livestock farming. Due to the degradation of the environmental conditions and the attacks of the Gnolls they soon gave up their plans. The ruins sometimes give shelter for hunters coming by. Since there is a high probability to encounter Gnolls here, this area is extremely dangerous.
  • Kadmos Trading Post
    In the past, Kadmos was a prosperous hub for goods, but since the opening of the Harf Tradingpost, noticeably fewer caravans are coming through here. However, the natural resources in the surrounding area are providing the locals with enough to live and they are even generating a small surplus they can sell. At the moment this is a small tradingpost exporting mainly fur and wood.

Ravenfell constitutes the coastal region in the east of the continent. You can reach Ravenfell by taking the road north east from Varanas. This area is characterised by its gently shelving beaches, sand dunes and palm groves. The coastal location made Ravenfell for a long time one of the most important regions for trade and already from early times, the Eye of Wisdom had established a trading post there, named Shahar Harbour.
But the Eye of Wisdom wasn't the only party who was interested in Ravenfell. Shahar Harbour blossomed into a flourishing trading post and as a result of the trade routes it generated; there were soon numerous ambushes from pirates. The most infamous pirate of the time was called Captain Kidd – King of the Pirates. Kidd was notorious all across the seas of Taborea for his merciless brutality and even to this day, bards and storytellers still recount tales of his pitiless raiding activities. The tale of the Golden Goblet is one of these stories and it was said to have been in the Captain’s possession. They also tell that the goblet’s decoration concealed the key to a prized secret.
Strangely, one day Captain Kidd simply disappeared without trace and one of his crew, a man named Will Blake, stepped up to replace him. A whole new era of piracy began under Blake. He founded the Blake Dynasty which was to rule over the seas of Ravenfell for the following decades. Rumour has it that Blake’s ascendancy was somehow connected to the Golden Goblet, which had then come into his possession following Kidd’s sudden disappearance.
In the years which followed, over and over again there were vicious clashes between the pirates and the Eye of Wisdom, who together with help from the Guards of Varanas, were able to hold on to their position in Ravenfell.
Then however, Snow Blake, Will Blake’s granddaughter came upon the scene. She was a pirate and she sought out others like herself. She was famous for her swordsmanship, her daring and her beauty. The various pirate bands united under her leadership as the Black Sail Pirates and achieved an unlimited rule across the ocean. Their powerful flagship, the Black Mary was unstoppable. Even the Eye of Wisdom and the Guards of Varanas failed and after years of resistance finally gave up Shahar Harbour. The town was then plundered and laid waste by the pirates. Today the name of the harbour is long-forgotten.
Just as it had for Captain Kidd, Snow Blake’s rule came to an end in a similar unexpected fashion. Many maintain that she was slyly murdered by a member of her crew. Others say that the Golden Goblet, which was still in her possession at the time, was cursed and had sealed her fate. Whatever may be true, Snow Blake disappeared along with all of her treasure and the proud Black Mary.
Ravenfell is still today characterized by conflicts between the Eye of Wisdom and the Black Sail Pirates. Restless pirate souls still wander through the dunes. Ruins of earlier fortresses are populated by common labourers or one-time inhabitants of Shahar Harbour. And there is a constant succession of rogues, pirates and adventurers who comb the land for signs that may lead to Snow Blake’s treasure and the Golden Goblet.

  • Nameless Port
    Today, where Shahar the flourishing outpost of the Eye of Wisdom once nestled against the coast, there are now just ruins. After the town fell in battle to the Black Sail Pirates and the troops from Varanas went into retreat, it was then plundered by its conquerors. Since the pirates apparently had no need for their own harbour, they once again set sail for the open sea following the raid, leaving the burnt out town behind them. Quite soon the remaining continent’s inhabitants forgot the name Shahar and the one-time trading post became known as the Nameless Port.
    Nowadays, the Nameless Port is home to a ragtag population. The streets are besieged by ruffians and in the absence of any proper administration, chaos and anarchy rules in the town. Everyone who lives here has a history of being a pirate, a thief, a robber or a hooligan. For this reason various bands have chosen this place from where to carry out their shady dealings and expand across the continent’s borders. They use the old harbour as a shipping point for their smuggled goods.
    Yet the governors of Varanas are not entirely free of blame for this state of affairs. Once it became clear that the Nameless Port was lost forever, they ordered that all criminals should be exiled from Varanas and sent to Ravenfell.
  • Shadowmoon Cove (Shadowmoon)
    In the east of Ravenfell lies the Shadowmoon Cove, with its small island lying just off the shore. Not long ago a group of pirates made this place their base; they were the Shadowmoon Pirates. It is rumored that the leader of these pirates is no other than Huck, Snow Blake’s former first mate. This information was confirmed when a message in a bottle was found. What’s more, it was discovered from this message that it was Huck who was personally responsible for betraying and murdering Snow Blake. Just why the Shadowmoon Pirates have now turned up in Ravenfell is the subject of some speculation. One hears from the clientèle in certain seaman’s taverns, the common opinion that their presence has to have something to do with Blake’s treasure and her flagship. Following the death of Snow Blake, both disappeared without trace.
  • Shackle Coast
    On the Shackle Coast in the north of Ravenfell you will find strange, building-like structures. They seem to be a combination of a mud hut and a nest. The inhabitants of these buildings are called the Chelon – a mix of human and sea turtle. The Chelon have lived in Shadowmoon Cove since time immemorial and have always been a peaceful and benevolent people. With the arrival of the Shadowmoon Pirates, however, their cove has been threatened and they have had to give up their original breeding grounds and move out to the Shackle Coast. Despite their peaceful nature, the Chelon are fearful opponents when they feel that their nests or their young are in danger. The pirates in the area seem to use this fact and secretly stash their valuable booty close by the Chelon nests and so take advantage of their protective guardian instincts.
  • Abandoned Fortress (AF)
    The Abandoned Fortress on the beach of Ravenfell is a remnant from the wars against the pirates. At one time it was an outpost for the Eye of Wisdom and the Guards of Varanas, which was then overcome and destroyed by the pirates. At the present time, the old walls serve as a camp for all sorts of traders and seafarers, who are all out to seek their fortune in Ravenfell. Travelers who prefer to keep their distance from the Nameless Port, find a refuge here where they can restock their supplies and repair their arms and equipment. The inhabitants of the fortress are happy to hear of any news from other lands and in exchange will offer the latest news and rumors concerning Ravenfell. Along with all this, the daring and plucky adventurer can also pick up one or more quests in the Abandoned Fortress.
  • The Treasure of the Black Mary
    The Black Mary was the flagship of the Black Sail Pirates’ fleet and was commanded by the infamous Snow Blake. No greater or more beautiful ship had ever been seen on any ocean before or since. Made from the finest timber, she had masts as tall as the tallest trees in the land and cannon which, with a single broadside, could dispatch an enemy ship to the bottom of the sea. With her black sails and a captain who feared neither the Devil nor death, the Black Mary was both the queen and the terror of the oceans of Taborea. Snow Blake treated the ship as her personal talisman and after every battle, she made sure that even the tiniest scratch on her was removed and her hull restored to a pristine condition. Yet the Black Mary was never sighted in any known harbor. Just where the Black Mary was moored and repaired was one of Snow Blake’s secrets. One thing is for sure and that is that it must have been a considerably sized hideout, since the ship would have taken up a huge amount of space.
    Following Snow Blake’s death there were many rumors as to where the Black Mary might lie – she was never bettered in battle and up until this day has never been found. Whatever happened to the Black Sail Pirates’ flagship, the sailors in the dens of Ravenfell are all agreed on one thing – that the fate of the Black Mary is closely bound up with the whereabouts of the Golden Goblet and the treasure of Captain Snow Blake. One sign that seems to support this speculation is the sudden appearance of the Shadowmoon Pirates under Huck’s leadership. Could it be possible that the one-time officer and betrayer of Snow Blake has information that the ship and treasure could be located somewhere in Ravenfell?

Weeping Coast (WC)
After passing through Ravenfell, a strange gate attracts the attention of the visitor. The gate was built by one of the main people in this area: the Tiktaalik. It may come as a surprise that the Tiktaalik, who traditionally favored an isolated, quiet life, would build such an enormous defensive structure in this region. However, this is one of the main secrets that adventurers will have to solve.
Weeping coast got its name from the natural play of wind and earth in this region. Everytime the coastal wind blows over the fine sands, it will cause a weeping noise. The Tiktaalik can be regarded as the most characteristic life form of Weeping Coast. They have populated the area since a long time. According to the research data of the Varanas Biological Research Institute, they even have their own spirits and individual culture.
But just as the surprising defence gate, the recent behaviour of the Tiktaalik aroused great suspicion among the researchers of the biological research institute. Even though traditionally assuming neutral roles in all conflicts, several incidents were reported recently where Tiktaalik got into fights with local Guard of Varanas patrols. The number of reported conflicts has risen constantly.
The Tiktaalik even launched massive attacks against Boulderwind Village. In order to investigate the true reasons behind these events, the Guards of Varanas have dispatched a special explorer team to Weeping Coast and set up a lot of surveillance posts. However the last available information already dates back half a month, which is troubling The Eye of Wisdom to a great degree. In order to shed light on this ominous situation, The Eye of Wisdom is already recruiting new scouts who will be tasked to investigate the fate of the explorer teams.
The latest available reports not only suggested that the Tiktaalik are in a state of mobilisation, but also that a pirate nest was discovered close to the mountain that separates Weeping Coast from Ravenfell. But due to limited manpower and frequent surprise attacks by the Tiktaalik, it is only possible to secretly observe the pirate crew’s behaviour to learn about their endeavours. Presently, it is not possible to gather any more concrete information, but everybody can feel that the tension is rising in this formerly quiet and peaceful region.

  • Speaking Wind Cliff
    Beyond the Speaking Wind Cliff, swamps spread all across the region up to the Land of Origin. Due to the strong sunlight in this coastal region, the swamps are not as dark or obscure as swamps in other regions, but rather mystical. Rumour has it that deep in the swamps, ruins of an ancient divine residence can be found.
  • Muttering Forest (MF)
    Muttering Forest is an ancient forest with mythical aura throughout all four seasons. When venturing deeply into Muttering Forest, it is said that one can hear strange voices, just as if someone was standing nearby and whispering in one’s ear. Of course, there are some people who believe these are the voices of ghosts.
    Two clans of Trolls, the Hardskull Clan and the Bloodfang Clan, also dwell in this area. They worship their own god, the spider queen Lyoth. Every month, the Trolls provide living creatures as sacrifice to their spider queen. All other people living next to the Muttering Forest, such as woodmen or hunters, know that they have to abide by two unwritten rules: never set foot into the Muttering Forest, and at all cost avoid staying out after dawn. Otherwise it is likely one would end up as the spider queens next sacrifice.
  • Throne of the Water (TotW)
    Near the northern-most beaches of Weeping Coast, hidden behind the mountains that were eroded by wind and weather over time, situated at the end of the road that leaves Boulderwind Village, the adventurer can find a spirit oasis of abundant magical powers. The Water Elements, one special kind of spiritual beings, are locked up in this extraordinary place.
    When long ago, the demons were enslaving all of the world’s people, they also sought to increase their strength through assimilating the powers of the Water Elements. However, these proud and independent beings would neither cooperate let alone be enslaved by other races. The demons realized that there was no way they could gain control of the water elements’ power. So they decided to make it impossible for any other race to ever get access to the water elements as well.
    The demons sealed the place, and since that time, the water elements were trapped in the spirit oasis. After such a long time, the power of the seal slowly eroded and thus became penetrable, so that the power of the King of the Water started to leak out of the sealed spirit oasis. When adventurers merely approach the place, they can already feel the enormous strength of the spiritual power that surrounds it. The King himself is thirsty for revenge, seeking to break out of his age-old prison and eager to unleash his accumulated power in a great destructive eruption.
  • Jungle Marsh
    After crossing the Muttering Forest, adventurers will encounter a wide, dark and humid swamp area, known as the Jungle Marsh. Even the most experienced adventurers will find it difficult to travel through this land. But in fact, the biggest obstacle for any traveller is not the limited sight or the danger of getting lost in the swamps. Border patrol guards often found the remains of travellers who, according to investigation results, had been the victims of some unknown creature and been killed by extremely lethal poison…
    In order to find out more about the consequences of this situation, The Eye of Wisdom also set up surveillance posts. But these surveillance posts met the same fate as the explorer teams that were tasked to observe the Tiktaalik: half a month ago, all contact broke up. It is without doubt that there must be a common reason behind this coincidence which is in some way connected to the recent activity of the Tiktaalik.
  • Shadows of the Jungle Marsh
    Evidently, the Jungle marsh is not a pleasant place at all. But it is especially rich in rare expensive herbs and exotic animals. Anyone seeking to make a fortune will be inclined to visit this place and reap its natural resources. Many camps of hunters or herbalists lie at the outside of Jungle marsh. But recently, the number of these fortune-hunters has decreased dramatically. According to trustworthy sources, this is due to the threat of the shadows of the Jungle marsh. Nobody can clearly explain what these shadows are, but one thing is for sure: they can’t peacefully coexist with any other life form. This became very clear after numerous reports about the shadows attacking and invading local settlements were heard: Entire villages had been slaughtered, and everything that fell into the shadows’ hands had been devastated.
    Besides, another frightening fact became obvious: it appears that the shadows have an insatiable appetite for human flesh. The Guard of Varanas and the Eye of Wisdom have already acknowledged this threat and are trying to undertake appropriate measures. Recently, the Order of Dark Glory has garrisoned a guard squadron in the vicinity to offer protection. But the squadrons are troubled by concerns over limited manpower and long supply lines, drastically encumbering the pursuit of their duty. Adventurers thus cannot rely on the support of the guard squadron. Everybody should be aware of this shortcoming. The most important conclusion for anyone considering coming to this place, is the necessity to rely on one’s own strength to survive.
  • Hero's Tomb
    After passing through a well-hidden tunnel, the adventurer will eventually come to a magnificent building situated at the foot of three huge ancient trees. During the Great Banishment, this was the place where a group of brave heroes took their last stand and finally sacrificed their lives in a fierce battle. The elves later used their characteristic architectural style and built a resting place to honour their fallen allies. To ensure that the resting place would not be disturbed by evil forces, they used the power of nature to protect it. After centuries, the force of these protective powers has almost vanished. Nevertheless, any visitor can still feel the presence of a harmonious, idyllic and warm aura.
  • Boulderwind Village (Boulder)
    A small village situated at the foot of Speaking Wind Cliff. It is the biggest and most important settlement of Weeping Coast. Before Weeping Coast turned into the lawless and unsafe place it is today, Boulderwind Village had been a prosperous trade post. Merchants from Varanas and the Obsidian stronghold came here to acquire valuable goods of every imaginable kind for low prices from the local woodmen, hunters, herbalists and peasants. On the acres near the village, a famous local produce can be found: water bone leaves, a most precious ingredient for sophisticated medicines. Every year during harvest, medicine traders from the big cities, doctors or adventurers from afar would come to Boulderwind Village to purchase some of the rare water bone leaves.
    However these busy times belong to the past. The Tiktaalik have blocked the main passage between Ravenfell and Weeping Coast, and in addition started to rob the already-harvested water bone leaves. Nowadays, there is virtually no one left eager to risk his life to gather water bone leaves. Boulderwind Village thus started to degenerate, and most of its settlers decided to abandon this sad place and seek opportunities elsewhere. At least, the news about the support by Varanas and the Obsidian stronghold infused a spark of hope in the people, and they slowly started to come back to populate Boulderwind Village again.

Savage Lands (SL)
After passing through the dark and dangerous Jungle Marsh, adventurers will find themselves facing the edge of a big pristine rainforest. Huge tree canopies allow little light to filter through, so the dark trees appear even more dangerous. However, not everything in the rainforest is gloomy. In the ancient elven base, the adventurer can enjoy plenty of sunshine and may, before conquering the dense rainforest of the Savage Lands, equipped themselves.
The rainforest, filled with the sounds of many creatures, can be a dangerous place. Adventures who were lured by these sounds and neglected to pay attention to their surroundings, soon fell into the hands of the many predators that inhabit the rainforest. Apemen, carnivorous humanoid creatures, will seize any opportunity to attack trespassing adventurers. They may look harmless and timid, but that doesn’t mean they can easily be beaten.
Then there are the cold-blooded nighmares, the Nagas! The only good news about the Naga presence in this zone is that they have not yet set up many strongholds as in the Jungle Marsh. Their fortifications in the rainforest are merely guarding their supply lines.
North of the Naga supply line lies Lake Heron, a peaceful mountain lake, that is the main water supply for the Savage Lands. But less and less water runs from the Lake Heron despite continuous rainfall in the Savage Lands. Creeks spreading across the forest have dried up and large trees on the other side of the forest have been dying. The Order fears that the Nagas are responsible for this. However, in order to carry out an expedition to the source of the White Egret Lake, the defensive system of the Nagas’ supply line would need to be crossed.
Further away from the dreadful Naga posts, the adventurers will find a small settlement that looks familiar somehow: the Fungus village. While the Fungus appear to be cheerful and harmless that however doesn’t mean that the adventures may come and go as they please. The Fungus King and his guards are said to be strict and unforgiving when it comes to protecting their tribe and land.
On the other side of the dense rainforest, adventurers will eventually encounter the Great Barrier, which lies between them and the Aotulia Volcano.
There are different stories as to who was so powerful to create this wall. One thing is for sure: whoever set it up, wanted to make sure that absolutely nothing could get out from the other side...

Elven Island (Elf)
Some time ago an island which had been settled by the mysterious Elven folk was discovered to the east of Ravenfell. The island is not just a simple settlement of these proud people. It also serves as a kind of training camp for their warriors. They have established an academy there in which young Elves are schooled in the art of magic and the use of arms.

  • Valley of Preparation
    This is the starting area for Elven characters, and it includes a Mailbox, an Auction House Clerk, and a House Maid. Many quests originate here, and there is a Bulletin Board and a Daily Quest Manager for daily quests.
  • Elven Island Plains
    Immediately outside of the Valley of Preparation, there is an unnamed area that extends all the way up to Whistle Lake. There are several quest givers and many resources in this area. The resources for herbalism include Beetroot, Bison Grass, and Rosemary. The resources for woodcutting include Willow Wood, Stone Rotan Wood, and Chime Wood. The resources for smelting include Tin Ore, Cyanide, and Flame Dust. There is also a Stable Master in this area that will rent out a White Horse for 15 minutes (costing 300 gold) or 2 hours (costing 3,000 gold).
  • Spore Grove
    Several quests either originate or lead to this location. Spore Guards and Spore Mages patrol this area, but they are not hostile unless attacked.
    There are many varieties of mushrooms in this location, and several of them are integral to various quests. Bolida Wood, the mushroom king, is on the north side of the grove, inside a large tree.
  • Whistle Lake
    Whistle Lake is the home of the Whistle Lake Oil Frog and Whistle Lake Crab. On the western shore of the lake, Dimuphalat will give you a series of quests, including a daily quest once you have completed the Bring Some Improved Food quest. On the eastern side of the lake, Lamot, the leader of the Fellowship of the Holy Stone, will give you a series of quests involving the Sabinean Cave. There are Hill Bear Cubs on either side of the lake for the Those Bears Again! daily quest.
  • Sabinean Cave
    Many quests lead to this cave, which is occupied by aggressive Sabinean Shamans and Sabinean Warriors. These Sabineans are led by their king, Kajiazan.
  • Haven of Departure
    Once you have the Airship Ticket quest, you can talk to Sidklaw, the Airship Operator, and leave the Elven Island for Varanas. It is at Varanas that you can choose your Secondary Class. The Warden and Druid trainers are at the arrival point in Varanas, and the others are in the Class Hall. Note: Elves may not take the Priest or Knight class.
    You can transport to Elven Island from Varanas if you talk to the Airship Operator at 44.9, 72.2 (northwest from the class hall). However, he will only transport you if you are an elf character. If you talk to him with a human character, he will say, "But I am afraid I can only be of service for Elven warriors." Humans, however, can reach Elven Island by being in a party with an elf who has marked Elven Island in the Transport Book, and having the elf use a Portal Stone

Aotulia Volcano (AV)
Under a darkened sky full of volcanic ashes and with a disgusting smell of sulfur lies the Aotulia Volcano that adventurers call the “claw of the magical dragon”. Red hot lava flows everywhere on the surface of this land. The region is barren except for some plants of special structure. The constructions built by the Naga here are totally different from the outposts in the woods in terms of style and power.
It appears that the Naga have built a city under the supervision of a creature of extreme high intellect. But the truth behind this fact remains unveiled, as even the most capable scouts of the Order of Dark Glory would not be able to sneak past the Naga troops that guard the gate.

  • Aotulia Volcano – the claw of the magical dragon
    Aotulia Volcano is one of the largest volcanoes on the Candara Continent. It is said that the volcano has been active for more than 150 years without interruption. This is proof for the enormous energy the volcano still contains. The Eye of Wisdom once considered sending people to the Aotulia volcano in order to set up a research station and study the volcano activities. However, no one was able to get through the defensive lines of the Naga and the Bodos. Currently, the activities carried out by Varanas and the Order of Dark Glory are restricted to very few expeditions into the area.
  • Dead Tree Plains
    Upon crossing the Great Barrier, adventurers will first see a barren plain littered with dead trees all covered in fog. It is no ordinary fog, but the very cause why the plain is completely barren. The plants and trees on the barren have been suffocated by the fog's high temperature and humidity. The plain is full of twigs and trunks not yet rotten and therefore called the Dead Tree Plains. Of course, the hot fog itself is not the main threat for adventurers breaking through the Great Barrier. It is the terrible demon hidden in the fog that should worry the adventurers.
  • Devil’s Mouth
    There is a huge crack cutting the whole area along the south side of the Aotulia Volcano in two. Rivers of magma can be seen through this crack - so the place is called the Devil’s Mouth. It is impossible to travel through here without the help of magical powers. The high temperature is hot enough to burn the adventurers to death who trespass the area by mistake. Even the tough Naga themselves could not live under such circumstances. Therefore this is one of the few places the Naga have abandoned long ago. Yet this does not mean there is no sign of life. The Flame Demon, a flame giant feeding on hot rocks with lava flowing through his veins, lives in this dangerous environment.
  • The Steel Bridge of Cremation
    In their efforts to set up supply lines, the Naga built a huge steel bridge at the Devil’s Mouth. This bridge spanning the Devil's Mouth has heated up to red heat. This doesn’t pose a great problem to the Naga (compared to the bottom of the Devil’s Mouth, this is a temperature they can stand) but for human troops the sheer heat of the bridge is an insurmountable barrier to the magical capital. Therefore, scouts call the bridge the “Steel Bridge of Cremation”.
  • Valley of Burning Rocks
    The Valley of Burning Rocks is located at the end of the Devil’s Mouth. It is the only exit to the huge crack (supposed one can get through the bottom of the Devil’s Mouth). Naga troops have gathered their key metallurgical facilities here. The Naga use magic power to enslave the Flame Demon to power their furnaces. This is the reason why they can forge large quantities of weapons without pause.
    The Valley of Burning Rocks is an important fort connecting the Nagas' magical capital with the Devil’s Mouth. However, as the Naga believe that no one will make it through the Devil’s Mouth alive, it is a weaker link along their supply lines compared to other camps or fortifications. It is said that a team of scouts from the Order of Dark Glory once made his way here by special means. Unfortunately they were not could not make it out alive, so the knowledge of how they were able to get through the Devil’s Mouth never reached their headquarters.
  • Boiling Blood Outpost
    This is the biggest and most important outpost before entering the magical capital. It is built on several lava pools at the foot of the Aotulia Volcano. For humans, it is a nightmare to get close to these high temperature lava pools, let alone crossing them. Walking between the outposts, the blood feels like boiling and that is how the outpost obtained its name. The local General Red Snake stationed in the boiling blood post is one of the most trusted followers of the Naga General. General Red Snake is a purebred Naga and a real virtuoso with fire magic. Scouts entering his outpost have been burnt to charcoal by him. He placed all those burned bodies outside his post as a warning to all human scouts: it is nearly impossible to enter the magical capital of the Naga.
  • Lair of the Demon Dragon (DS, LoDD)
    Southwest of the Aotulia Volcano, the Naga employ their elite troops as guards. Surprisingly, the number of defenders is almost equal to the number that guards the gate to the magical capital. This fact has always puzzled the scout teams. Why would the Naga allocate such a large battalion to this place? Are they guarding against enemies, or protecting something? Except for some strange noises which can be heard occasionally, little is known about the activities in this mysterious mountain. It looks as if only the boldest of the adventurers could help finding out more about these mysterious secrets.

Thunderhoof Hills (Thunder)
In the south of Zandorya lie the verdant Thunderhoof Hills which are surrounded by an imposing mountain range. The region is characterized by its green meadows, rushing waterfalls and wild rivers. Several settlements are nestled in this picturesque landscape as well as the Valley of Glory where mammoth effigies of ancient war heroes rise up to the sky as reminders of past glorious battles. These were the battles in which the legendary King Kalume and his mounted allies once fought against demons and after whom the region was named. Kalume recruited elves, dwarves and other creatures alongside humans such as the rhinoceros-like Kalo people. In recognition of their support Kalume divided up the land amongst these peoples so that the land of Thunderhoof Hills is still diversely populated today.

Southern Janost Forest (Janost)
The stifling air of the Southern Janost Forest hangs damp and heavy and the swampy landscape is full of dangers. This is the home of the principality of Shador, a people of forest dwellers who have taken the art of the bow and arrow to new heights of perfection. The mother of the race, Jenny ‘The Thousand Feathers’ Giant was long ago a close ally of the venerable King Kalume. Over the centuries, however, the splendour of the race has paled and now Thousand Feathers’ descendants campaign in the marshes cut through with rocky mountains against the brutal forces from the Warnorken Castle. The bastion of the barbarous Baron Reuen von Jura is the source of all evil in the Southern Janost Forest. But brave adventurers – despatched by the child king Callaway – now gather in the swamps and seek solidarity with the noble people of Shador.

3., Dungeons and Instances - types

  • Dungeons - Adventures Far from the Sun
    The world of Taborea consists not only of vast and varied regions, but there are literally dozens of caves and mines in Taborea, reaching deep down below the surface of the earth. In these dungeons you will not only find gremlins and goblins, but far more dangerous creatures and monsters as well.
  • Persistent and Instanced Dungeons
    Taborea is a continuous persistent world even extending below the surface of the earth. But there are also instanced dungeons where parties of brave adventurers meet to complete special tasks or just to discover exciting places. Once in the dungeon, the adventurers are on their own in their battle against fierce bosses and their henchmen. Now it will show if the quest party is tactically suitable assembled and how good they have learned to cooperate.
    Extreme caution is advised, if the boss-mob has no level number, but displays a small crown instead. Those special bosses are extremely dangerous and many a brave soul has lost their life trying to defeat them.
  • Raids
    For some challenges waiting in those dungeons, even the toughest group of six adventurers won't be enough, so there is only one way: form a raid group! Dozens of players are needed to send powerful monsters that terrorise the lands and guard vast treasures back to their maker Ayvenas. But their dark retreats are huge and they command armies of powerful followers, so even getting to those bosses will be very dangerous.
  • Camp Dungeons
    After the release there will not only be instanced raids, but also huge persistent dungeons with dozens of levels as well, which offer enough room for multiple groups of adventurers. Here, players can battle against monsters of their own strength and move on to new battlegrounds, as soon as they reach higher levels. On the hunt for more experience and treasure, explorers, combative players and shady characters can enter deep into these grottoes and dark dungeons.
  • PvP Dungeons
    If the creatures of darkness aren't challenging enough, player groups can battle each other in special PvP dungeons.
  • Gates to the Dungeons
    But not all of those dark places in Runes of Magic can be entered at all times. There are also dungeons that are only accessible at certain times – or to adventurers with a certain reputation or the proper mission.

4., Dungeons and Instances - In order to appear

Windmill Basement

  • Background
    From the NPC Uncle Kaga -
    "Inside the Windmill Basement are two powerful monsters. One is the Kobold King Bonebreaker. The other is the Hammertooth Empire's Imperial Mage, Hodu Hammertooth.
    It is said that 12 years ago, in order to expand their power, the Eye of Wisdom targeted the resource rich Howling Mountains, launching a magical eradication campaign to clear out those dangerous monsters that threatened the humans in the region.
    The most powerful monster at that time was Pirlanok, who called on the earth spirits, goblins, and various other native creatures of the Howling Mountains to resist, Hodu Hammertooth and Bonebreaker answered the call, adding two extremely powerful armies to his cause. Of course, this led to a very terrible and desperate battle.
    Ultimately, the Eye of Wisdom manage to seal Pirlanok into the Dead Tree Cave and forced the remnants of Hodu Hammertooth and Bonebreaker's armies to flee into the Windmill Basement - Where the Eye of Wisdom had prepared powerful magical seals and sacred vessels."
  • Level/location
    Level 20+ is recommended with a strong tank and speedy healer to take down the powerful boss mobs inside.
    The Windmill Basement is inside the large windmill just on the northern edge of Logar in the Howling Mountains.
  • Getting Into the Windmill Basement
    To gain entrance to the windmill, you will require an Essence of Dark Flame Vapor Stone which are obtained from the Golo creatures in the Dead Tree Cave and the Barren Caves.
    Once in possession of an Essence of Dark Flame Vapor Stone speak with Uncle Kaga standing in logar by the Windmill entrance.
    Speak to him and choose the option Enter the Windmill Basement which in turn will bring you to another menu where you need to choose Creating the Fire Essence Vapor Stone.
    Once done, one Essence of Dark Flame Vapor Stone from your inventory will become a Fire Essence Vapor Stone, this is required for entrance into the Windmill Basement and will last in your inventory for one hour or until thrown away.
  • Traversing the Windmill Basement
    Once inside the instance, you will find yourself in an empty room with a hallway leading out of it where the first monsters are located. In the first room where monsters are, there is a special monster named Gomio. Be careful of this monster, even at higher levels, if Gomio manages to cast all of his magic, all of your party members can suffer major damage or death.

    While exploring this dungeon, you will come across rooms at the end of most hallways with the standard assortment of monsters in them, but there is one you will find that has a large box called Box that spreads Wail. This box, if opened will deliver either three standard dungeon drops to your inventory or one boss drop with one standard drop. At the same time, it will spawn an assortment of normal monsters to ambush you.

    At nearly 2/3 of the way through the instance, you will encounter the primary boss of the dungeon Hodu Hammertooth. His normal attacks are nothing important, but he has an AoE skill where he will shout "Burn!! (Ancient Language) An'Sola Shale" that will inflict massive damage to everyone nearby. This attack is very powerful even for high level players, if you are not very high level, this skill can be interrupted. Sometime after Hodu reaches less than 50% of his Hp, he will retreat taunting you and telling you that you will have to find him.

    To find Hodu again, you must locate The Spirit of Dead Hero who spawns in one of four rooms elsewhere in the dungeon. Those rooms could be any of the three rooms other than the one with the Box that spreads Wail passed on the way to where you found Hodu or the one just beyond there with purple stonework.

    Once you have located The Spirit of Dead Hero you must click on him to activate him.
    One of three outcomes will randomly occur at this point:
    1.) Hodu Hammertooth will spawn and attack you, The Spirit of Dead Hero will cast the buff Fighter's Blessing on you and disappear, leaving you to kill Hodu.
    2.) Hodu Hammertooth will spawn and shout "Serve me! (Ancient Language) An' Sola Vie' Ta" turning The Spirit of Dead Hero into Geianth, a second boss, and they will both attack you.
    3.) Hodu Hammertooth will spawn and attack you, The Spirit of Dead Hero will become Ghost of the Fallen Hero and say that he is there to help you and then requests healing.

    When Hodu Hammertooth is killed, he leaves a chest called Drakor's Treasure for you to loot, Geianth also leaves a chest, named Finely crafted Box, and if Ghost of the Fallen Hero made it through the battle, he will also have boss drops for you. Hodu and Geianth both carry a random piece of the tier 1 windmill armor, up to three of the crystals required to get level 25 elite skills, and a tier 1 enhancement rune. Also, there is a chance that one of them will have a Rune Crystal which is a very rare drop used in some of the better recipes for the upgraded windmill armor sets.

    Once you have accomplished your goals with the boss, you may choose to go down the last side-hallway on the way out to find two purple treasure chests which contain random low-level harvest materials, production runes, and low-level healing/magic potions.

    Once done, the portal out is at the end of the main corridor and will take you back to Logar, where you can obtain recipes for using the materials you may have picked up on your run through the windmill from Uncle Kaga.

Cave of the Water Dragon
Really hard instance with lvl55 elites about 200k hp.

Forsaken Abbey
Built some 70 years ago, the abbey had to be abandoned 40 years later. Once it was used by an ominous organization, which, while keeping its identity secret, has worked alongside the Eye of Wisdom on forbidden magical experiments.
30 years ago an accident happened and almost completely annihilated the organization. After this incident the abbey was abandoned. Now the interior has become a fearsome place with hordes of restless Undead wandering around.

  • Location
    Forsaken Abbey is located in Silverspring, northwest of Varanas. The entrance is located on lower level of the church behind the huge stone. Touching the candle stick will unlock the door.
  • NPCs
    1., Ghoul Duke
    L22 undead BOSS
    Inflicts melee damage.
    In order to trigger the Ghoul Duke's spawn, all 3 of the Necromages in the cavern section of the instance must be killed.

    2., Flowing Chaos
    L25 slime-blob BOSS
    Inflicts melee damage.
    Casts a poison DOT on second highest member in aggro table, which causes 250+ dmg every 3 seconds for 15 seconds.

    3., Cruel Eater
    L25 undead BOSS
    Inflicts heavy melee damage.
    Short range AOE (arround 1100 damage).

    4., Hollow Shell
    L25 magical creature BOSS
    Summons every 30 seconds a ghoul that will attack the player party's healer.
    Casts AOE spells causing around 1000 damage. Party positioning from max range can help avoid this spell.

    5., Demon Witch Ancalon
    L28 undead BOSS
    Ancalon is the final boss in the Forsaken Abbey instance. Ancalon can be kited and DOTed by a caster if the party tank dies.
    Flame spell - Casting Flame is her main source of damage.
    Silence - Ancalon will utilize Silence to shot down party member casters.
    Dark Power Release - Dark Power Release will heal her for 35% life. Interrupting this spell will stop Ancalon from healing herself during the battle.
    Catch - Catch will immobilize players around her for 2 seconds.
    Summons adds (every 20%?)
  • Trashmobs
    From lvl 18 elite (Cave entry) to lvl 25 elite (mobs in final room)

Necroolis of Mirrors
The Necropolis of Mirrors is very old, but was discovered only recently. Seemingly a curse haunts the place though. Everybody who comes to close will be struck with disaster. At the moment, the Eye of Wisdom is not sure if investigating it is the right thing to do. Some of its members think that it might be a site, where ancient magic was sealed and careless rummage would cause great harm.
On the Necropolis of Mirrors’ stone walls, crystals glisten and reflect every picture like mirrors. But since there is no life to be found anywhere nearby, it became known as the Necropolis of Mirrors. The caves in its center are most likely of natural origin, but there is an artificial atmosphere and rumors swirl around that many a visitor went insane and died down there.

The Origin
The more you advance into the Deep Corridor, the bigger everything becomes. For that reason it is said to be a holy tree, which has existed since the world’s beginning. Even more mysterious though is the cavern beneath it. It looks as if the tree’s roots keep an underground space clear. In the great cave some things can be found, which are apparently not of natural origin. Inferring from the roots growth the cave must have been there even before the Holy Tree, which is why it is called the “Origin”. Actually the cave was created by ancient mythical beings and in it the “Holy Truth” was stored.
Later on all the knowledge was lost with the disappearance of the mythical beings. What kind of relation does that knowledge have with the oracle? Is it the oracle itself? Nobody knows for sure.

Pasper Shrine
Pasper's Shrine is located in Khant. It is a shrine and holy place for the Capra. They say, the souls of all heroes that have sacrificed themselves for the goat-clan are gathering here after their death. But since Hafiz has seized the place, it has completely changed. The altar is still emanating its original dignity and greatness, but the magical powers that are prevailing here, are noticeably saturating the place with corrupted power. From time to time a magic circle is appearing on the ground. It looks as if it is drawn with fresh blood and it’s enveloping the whole altar in an evil atmosphere.
Constant battles almost completely destroyed Dogamor. Additionally the revolts of Hafiz “Black Horn” happened and since then the Capra are living as vagabonding merchants and stock-breeders.

Arcane Chamber of Sathkur
Quest Instance, I don't have too much info about it. You can find it somewhere in Sascillia.

Cyclops Lair
One of my favourite instances. The pre-quest can be take on level 45. After we can enter the dungeon, we find lvl50-52 elite cyclops and 4 bosses. The second is tricky but not too hard. Minimum 7k hp required to survive.

Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom
Two parts has it. We can enter to level 30 and level 50 instance.

Mystic Altar
The Mystic Altar is situated on the summit of Snowhorn which is the centre of religion and thought for the Minotaurs. Inside are carvings which apparently look similar to demons. But in fact this is about the history of the creation of the Minotaurs. Some adventurers managed to sneak inside and understood this as a sign for demon worship, and so the rumour spread that the Minotaurs are an evil race which has degenerated into demon worship.
It can be said that the Mystic Altar is the essence of the Minotaur culture. The Minotaurs are very proud of their culture and say that the altar is a holy place which outsiders are not allowed to enter under any circumstances. So they guard it extraordinarily fiercely.
But all the rumours about the Minotaurs do somehow mention it: “And now this-and-that item lies hidden in the Mystic Altar and is guarded closely by the dark warriors”. So many adventurers have already died in the Mystic Altar, trying to uncover the secrets of these legends.

Ystra Labirinth
This instance splitted to 3 parts. Revivers' Corridor, Guards' Corridor and Royals' Refugee.

Kalin Shrine
During ancient times, the Kalin Shrine was one of the seal towers. Even at that time it was regarded as an ancient relic, which was believed to help prevent the demons from spying. The humans then secretly began to build this seal tower underground.
In the legends of Tempest Height this place was described as the sunken palace, and was said to be where the “Sea Kings” dwell. When people go fishing here, it is common practice to kneel down and pray in the direction of the shrine to ask the Sea King to give them food and grant them passage to the lake. There are 6 bosses in it: Iron Rune Warrior, Yusalien (but this is skippable), Locatha, Godess of Art's Disciple, Ensia, Regin.

Queens Chamber
This is the Ant Queen's instance. No elite mobs, only the queen... Lvl60 boss with a mass of hp!

Spirit of Tempest Height
This is a daily instance what opened 2 times a day. That times are 11 AM to 12 AM and 7 PM to 8 PM (CET). Every rounds we got some mobs and a boss. We need good tank and dps for 6-7th round. The chest what's the mobs drops contains normal items, materials and item shop items too!

Treasure Trove
This is the longest instance in the game. Level 50 is required and some prequest to do to get in. The elite mobs have 42-90k hp and we find them in 3-8 or 24 groups.
ATTENTION: In this instance the mobs are sticked together and if we don't be careful we can pull 2-3 groups with 1 hit. LVL 50+ instance.

Heart of the Ocean
Not too long instance, in easy mode the elite mobs have 50-110k hp, in normal mode they have 70-150k hp. LVL52+ instance.

Hall of Survivors
Not too much trash, in easy can be done with 4-5 man, but generally this is a 12-man raid instance. LVL55+ instance.

Lair of the Demon Dragon
There are two instances can be found here:

  • Zurhidon Stronghold
  • Hall of the Demon Lord

Very hard instances, the trash is deadly, high - graded players required. LVL55+ instance.

Dungeon of Dalanis
Not too hard instance with skippable trash. LVL57+ instance.